1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with instructors on your campus for each of the following: | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied |
a. Their ability to motivate me to do my best | |||||
b. How carefully they explain the expectations of student performance in the course | |||||
c. How well they explain course material | |||||
d. The extent to which they encourage class discussion | |||||
e. How effectively they use instructional technology in teaching and learning activities | |||||
f. How quickly they provide feedback on my work | |||||
g. The helpfulness of their feedback on my work | |||||
h. Respecting the diverse talents and ways of learning of you and your classmates | |||||
i. Overall quality of instruction |
2. The following list includes several different faculty-student mentoring experiences you might have had while at NC State. First, please indicate whether or not you had such an experience while at NC State. If yes, please indicate the extent to which it contributed to your personal and/or professional growth. | Had Experience | Contribution to Growth | ||||
No | Yes | A great deal | Some | A little | Not at all | |
a. Worked on an independent study project with a faculty member | ||||||
b. Worked on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements | ||||||
c. Worked on an extension or public service project with a faculty member outside of course or program requirements | ||||||
d. Assisted in teaching a class or lab under the guidance of a faculty member | ||||||
e. Regularly met with a faculty member who provided academic guidance (e.g., assistance with coursework, course selection, etc.) | ||||||
f. Regularly met with a faculty member who provided professional guidance and/or support (e.g., career goals, employment opportunities, letters of recommendation, etc.) | ||||||
g. Regularly met with a faculty member who provided guidance on non-academic issues/responsibilities (e.g., work, family, physical well-being, etc.) | ||||||
h. Worked with a faculty member on campus activities (e.g., committees, student life activities, etc.) |
3. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following: | Strongly agree |
Agree | Neither agree nor disagree | Disagree | Strongly disagree |
a. I consider what I have been learning in my classes valuable | |||||
b. My experiences at NC State have stimulated interest in an intended field of study | |||||
c. I am able to freely explore academic interests at NC State | |||||
d. Students at NC State are encouraged to ask questions | |||||
e. Students at NC State are given meaningful answers to the questions they ask | |||||
f. At NC State, students are invited to share their ideas and knowledge |
4. All things considered, how would you characterize the intellectual environment on this campus? |
5. How many of your classes at NC State do you feel have been too large for you to learn effectively? |
6. In how many of your classes at NC State have you had difficulty understanding the spoken English of an instructor? |
7. Which of the following choices best reflects your primary source for academic advising during your sophomore year? |
( ) |
8. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the person or office serving as your designated primary sources for academic advising/guidance. | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied |
a. Accessibility of my primary advisor | |||||
b. Amount of time I am given during advising sessions | |||||
c. Advisor???s concern with my academic success | |||||
d. Advisor keeping me informed about my academic progress | |||||
e. Advisor???s knowledge about university rules and procedures | |||||
f. Advisor providing me with the information I need about academic courses and programs | |||||
g. Advisor???s knowledge about the requirements for my current major or major of interest | |||||
h. Advisor???s knowledge about general education and other degree requirements | |||||
i. Advisor knowing whom to contact to help me with non-academic problems | |||||
j. Advisor???s encouragement of participation in educational enrichment opportunities (e.g., internship, service learning, clubs related to my major) | |||||
k. Advisor???s knowledge about post-graduation educational options (e.g., graduate school) | |||||
l. Advisor???s knowledge about post-graduation employment options |
9. Overall, how would you rate the NC State Virtual Advising Center Web site? |
1. Academic Assistance / Tutoring | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Academic assistance or tutoring services you have received on campus for help with: | ||||||
1) Writing | ||||||
2) Reading | ||||||
3) Mathematics | ||||||
4) Science | ||||||
5) Foreign language | ||||||
6) Study skills | ||||||
b. Availability of academic assistance or tutoring services on campus |
2. Research Support | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Opportunities to be actively involved with faculty on their research | ||||||
b. Access to up-to-date facilities such as labs, studios, and research centers |
3. Library | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Helpfulness of staff | ||||||
b. Space for individual student work | ||||||
c. Space for group work | ||||||
d. Training/instruction for using library and information resources | ||||||
e. Availability of information/material I need for my class assignments | ||||||
f. Access to online library resources | ||||||
g. Hours of operation |
4. Career Services | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Helpfulness of staff | ||||||
b. Information on internships, co-ops, and other career-related experiences | ||||||
c. Access to employment opportunities (e.g., career fairs, interviews, job listings, etc.) | ||||||
d. Help in preparing for interviews, resumes, etc. | ||||||
e. Availability of career resources online |
5. Information Technology | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Training on the technology that I am required to use in my courses | ||||||
b. Assistance from the helpdesk in solving my technology problems | ||||||
c. Hours of operation for university computer labs | ||||||
d Availability of equipment and software in university computer labs to meet my needs | ||||||
e. Availability of wireless access on campus | ||||||
f. Online course management system(s) used in my classes (e.g., Blackboard Vista, WolfWare, etc.) | ||||||
g. Effectiveness of information technology in improving my learning experience |
6. Campus Bookstore | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Timely availability of textbooks, computer supplies, and other course materials provided by the campus bookstore |
1. First, please rate your satisfaction with the services provided by the following offices on campus: | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | No experience to judge |
a. Financial Aid: Application/award process | ||||||
b. Financial Aid: Disbursement process | ||||||
c. Cashier/Student Accounts/Billing Office | ||||||
d. Registrar???s Office | ||||||
e. Campus Bookstore | ||||||
f. Health Services | ||||||
g. Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological) | ||||||
h. Housing and Residence Life | ||||||
i. Campus Recreation | ||||||
j. Dining Services | ||||||
k. On-campus shuttle/transportation services (i.e., Wolfline) | ||||||
l. Campus Police Department | ||||||
m. Parking |
2. Now, please rate the quality of the staff associated with the following campus offices: | Excellent | Good | Average | Fair | Poor | No experience to judge |
a. Financial Aid: Application/award process | ||||||
b. Financial Aid: Disbursement process | ||||||
c. Cashier/Student Accounts/Billing Office | ||||||
d. Registrar???s Office | ||||||
e. Bookstore | ||||||
f. Health Services | ||||||
g. Counseling (personal, interpersonal, or psychological) | ||||||
h. Housing and Residence Life | ||||||
i. Campus Recreation | ||||||
j. Dining Services | ||||||
k. On-campus shuttle/transportation services (i.e., Wolfline) | ||||||
l. Campus Police Department | ||||||
m. Parking |
3. How satisfied are you with the ease with which you can navigate through the following online services? | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don't know/ Not applicable |
a. Billing system | ||||||
b. Financial aid | ||||||
c. Course registration system |
4. Have you received financial aid (including scholarships, grants, loans, work-study employment) while at NC State? |
5. If yes, how satisfied were you with your aid package? |
6. Please rate the customer service skills of the following financial aid staff. | Excellent | Good | Fair | Poor | Do not know |
a. Reception staff | |||||
b. Phone staff | |||||
c. Advisor staff |
1. In general, how safe do you feel: | Very safe | Pretty safe | Not very safe | Not at all safe | Not applicable- Never there |
a. In campus residence halls during the day/early evening | |||||
b. In campus residence halls at night | |||||
c. Using the parking lots, garages and/or decks on campus during the day/early evening | |||||
d. Using the parking lots, garages, and/or decks on campus at night | |||||
e. In non-residence buildings on campus during the day/early evening (e.g., classrooms, libraries, etc.) | |||||
f. In non-residence buildings on campus at night (e.g., classrooms, libraries, etc.) | |||||
g. Outside on the grounds of the campus during the day/early evening | |||||
h. Outside on the grounds of the campus at night |
2. How satisfied are you with: | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied |
a. Availability of public information about crimes on campus | |||||
b. Availability of information about crime prevention and safety on campus |
3. If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner, would you know how to report it? |
4. If you observed someone on campus behaving suspiciously or in a threatening manner, how likely would you be to report it to a campus authority? |
1. In which of the following school-related groups (clubs, organizations, programs) have you been involved while at NC State? (Mark all that apply.) |
2. About how often during the typical year do you attend or participate in each of the following campus activities? | 1 or more times a week | 2-3 times a month | Once a month |
2-3 times a semester | 1-2 times a year | Never |
a. Workshops, seminars, speakers, etc. outside of class | ||||||
b. University sponsored art events (e.g., plays, musical performances, exhibits) | ||||||
c. Multicultural/diversity events/programs | ||||||
d. Community service/volunteer work | ||||||
e. Intramural activities (including club and recreational sports) | ||||||
f. Co-curricular activities (e.g., University-sponsored student organization, student government, Greek life) | ||||||
g. Intercollegiate athletic events |
3. Please rate your overall satisfaction with: | Very satisfied |
Satisfied | Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied |
a. Weekend activities on campus for students | |||||
b. The ease with which I can get involved in campus organizations | |||||
c. Opportunities on campus to interact with or learn from people from a range of racial/ethnic or cultural backgrounds | |||||
d. Opportunities on campus to develop leadership skills | |||||
e. Opportunities for community service/volunteer work |
4. While school has been in session this academic year, about how many hours per week have you spent working for pay? | 0 hours |
1-5 hours |
6-10 hours |
11-15 hours |
16-20 hours |
21-25 hours |
26-30 hours |
More than 30 hours |
On-campus | ||||||||
Off-campus |
5. How does your job(s) affect your school work? |
6. Is your job related to your academic major? If not, was this by choice? | Directly related | Somewhat related | Not related (by choice) |
Not related (not by choice) |
Not applicable |
On-campus job | |||||
Off-campus job |
1. To what extent do you think your college education so far has contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in each of the following general education areas? | Very Much | Somewhat | Very Little | Not At All | Do Not Know |
Writing skills | |||||
Speaking skills | |||||
Listening skills | |||||
Comprehension skills (understanding written information) | |||||
Using mathematical skills | |||||
Applying scientific methods of inquiry | |||||
Logical reasoning skills | |||||
Problem-solving skills | |||||
Enhancing analytic skills | |||||
Developing computer skills |
Very Much | Somewhat | Very Little | Not At All | Do Not Know | |
Understanding how science and technology influence everyday life | |||||
Using books, journals, and/or articles from the library/internet etc. for a research paper/project | |||||
Ability to organize the steps to successfully complete a group project | |||||
Ability to adapt to changing technologies | |||||
Ability to critically analyze ideas and information | |||||
Ability to plan and carry out projects independently | |||||
Understanding of diverse cultures and values | |||||
Appreciating the arts (e.g., music, art, theater, etc.) | |||||
Appreciating the humanities (e.g., literature, philosophy, religion, history, etc.) | |||||
Applying social science methods to understand human behavior |
2. To what extent do you think your college education so far has contributed to your personal development in the following areas? | Very Much | Somewhat | Very Little | Not At All | Do Not Know |
Ability to lead or guide others | |||||
Ability to function as part of a team | |||||
Recognizing and acting upon ethical principles | |||||
Exercising public responsibility and community service | |||||
Valuing learning as a lifelong process | |||||
Maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle | |||||
Taking responsibility for my own behavior | |||||
Self-confidence | |||||
Sense of personal identity | |||||
Independence and self-reliance | |||||
Potential for success | |||||
Coping with change | |||||
Ability to handle stress | |||||
Personal growth | |||||
Time management | |||||
Self-discipline |
3. To what extent do you think your college education so far has contributed to your world view in the following areas? | Very Much | Somewhat | Very Little | Not At All | Do Not Know |
Developing a tolerance for divergent views | |||||
Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds | |||||
Appreciating racial equity | |||||
Appreciating gender equity | |||||
Appreciating differences in sexual orientation | |||||
Understanding issues and problems facing the world | |||||
Understanding the present as it relates to historical events and processes | |||||
Understanding the commonality of human problems through a global perspective | |||||
Understanding the concepts of environmental sustainability | |||||
Understanding the potential impacts of climate change |
1. To what extent is it important to you to experience a sense of belonging or community at NC State? |
2. To what extent do you experience a sense of belonging or community at NC State? |
3. How would you assess the campus climate for the following groups of students? | Strongly supportive |
Mildly supportive |
Neutral | Mildly nonsupportive |
Strongly nonsupportive |
Women | |||||
Men | |||||
African Americans | |||||
Other ethnic minorities | |||||
International students | |||||
Students with disabilities | |||||
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students |
4. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: | Agree strongly |
Agree somewhat |
Disagree somewhat |
Disagree strongly |
a. NC State is committed to helping minority students succeed | ||||
b. NC State has visible leadership from the Chancellor and other administrators to foster diversity on campus |
1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following: | Strongly agree |
Agree | Neither agree nor disagree | Disagree | Strongly disagree |
a. I am confident that I made the right decision to attend NC State | |||||
b. I would still choose to attend NC State if starting over | |||||
c. I believe I was academically prepared to attend NC State | |||||
d. I feel I belong at NC State | |||||
e. I will have the financial resources I need to finish college |
2. Did you ever consider withdrawing or transferring from NC State? |
3. Which of the following best describes your current educational plans? |
1. What are the two most important things NC State could do to improve the quality of undergraduates' experience here? |
a. |
b. |
Posted: July, 2010
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