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The Collaboration on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)
Survey of Non-Tenured Tenure Track Faculty

Change over Time:
A Comparison of 2004-2005 and 2008-2009 Survey Results for NC State

Before you get started: Some helpful information for using and understanding the "Change over Time" files...

COACHE “Themes”
COACHE categorized survey questions into one of 5 different topical themes. There is a separate "Change over Time" file with results for each individual “theme." Specifically, these are:
  • Tenure
  • Nature of Work
  • Policy/Practice
  • Climate, Culture, and Collegiality
  • Global Satisfaction
  • Worksheets within Individual Files
    To make the tables of results more manageable and/or comprehensible, the "Change over Time" files for a “theme” might include individual worksheets or ‘tabs.’ Worksheets for a given theme are identified below.

    “Presentation” vs “Print” File Options
    Each "Change over Time" file has two versions, both of which report the same findings:
  • Color-coded to highlight noteworthy results (better for online and presentation displays)
  • Printer-friendly, using shading to highlight noteworthy results
  • Measuring the Extent of Change (“Percent Difference”)
    COACHE calculates the difference in the mean scores for each item by subtracting the mean from the 2004-2005 survey from that of the 2008-2009 survey, then dividing that number by the range of response options for the question. For example, the tenure item "In my opinion, tenure decisions here are made primarily on performance-based criteria rather than on non-performance based criteria" had a mean rating of 3.91 in 2008-2009 and 3.51 in 2004-2005, using a 5-point scale where "1" = "strongly disagree," "2" = "somewhat disagree," "3"="neither agree nor disagree," "4"="somewhat agree," and "5"="strongly agree." The percent difference would be (3.91-3.51)/4, or 10%. (Note that the "range" of response options is equal to the total number of response options minus one.) For more information on calculating "percent difference" see COACHE's "Guide to your report," pages 7-8.

    "Change over Time" Data Files (Excel files)

    Each file includes NC State's mean rating for the question item in the 2004-2005 and in the 2008-2009 COACHE Survey, as well as the "Percent Difference" (described above) for all respondents, by gender and by race/ethnicity. Items that were not available in both survey years, for which there are fewer than five respondents in one or more survey year, and those for which a mean cannot be calculated (i.e., categorical variables) are excluded from the "Change over Time" data tables.


    Nature of Work

    Note: Each file includes 2 separate worksheets, one for the questions asking about "importance" of a policy/practice and the other asking about the "effectiveness" of the policy/practice.

    Climate, Culture, and Collegiality

    Global Satisfaction

    Change over Time: Overall Improvements and Declines in Ratings
    2004-2005 and 2008-2009 mean ratings and percent change, overall and by gender and by race, for all items, with separate worksheets for those items where there has been a) a noteworthy improvement in ratings; b) a noteworthy decline in ratings; and c) no noteworthy change in ratings. All items are ranked ordered from largest to smallest percent change.
    no print version available


    Dr. Betsy E. Brown
    Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
    North Carolina State University
    206 Holladay Hall
    Campus Box 7112
    Raleigh NC 27695-7112
    Phone: 919-513-7741
    Fax: 919-515-1587

    Dr. Nancy Whelchel
    Associate Director for Survey Research
    Office of Institutional Planning and Research
    North Carolina State University
    Campus Box 7002
    Raleigh, NC 27695-7002
    Phone: 919-515-4184

    Posted: August, 2010