North Carolina State University

1999 Sophomore Survey

These are the survey questions and response options for the 1999 Sophomore Survey. To view the frequency distributions of responses to a question or group of questions, click on the question number.

 Section A -- Faculty Contributions
   Please evaluate how well faculty members at this campus do each of the following. (Scale = 4="Excellent", 3="Good", 2="Fair", 1="Poor")
  1. Set high expectations for you to learn:
  2. Respect the diverse talents and ways of learning of you and your classmates:
  3. Encourage you to be an actively involved learner:
  4. Encourage student-faculty interaction, in and out of the classroom:
  5. Give you frequent and prompt feedback:
  6. Encourage you to devote sufficient time and energy to your coursework:
  7. Develop opportunities for you to learn cooperatively with fellow students:
  8. Care about your academic success and welfare:
  9. In general, how would you evaluate your instructors on these eight measures?
  Section B -- Help Outside the Classroom
   Based on your experience so far, how would you evaluate each of the following services. (If you have not had enough experience with a service to evaluate it, please choose "Don't know/did not use" and then skip to the next service.) (Scale:4="Excellent", 3="Good", 2="Fair", 1="Poor")
  1. Orientation for new students
    a. length of session
    b. quality of programs
    c. helpfulness of staff
    d. accomodations
    e. overall effectiveness of orientation
  2. Academic advising
    a. access to advisor
    b. sufficient time with advisor
    c. accurate information about degree requirements and course sequencing
    d. knowledge of campus policies and procedures
    e. academic advising services overall
  3. Academic skills labs or tutoring if you needed extra help in:
    a. writing
    b. reading
    c. mathematics
    d. study skills
    e. academic skills labs / tutoring services overall
  4. Library
    a. hours of operation
    b. access to databases and collections
    c. training to use library
    d. library services overall
  5. Technology
    a. access to the Internet
    b. hours of operation for computer center, labs, and help desks
    c. access to up-to-date facilities
    d. access to trained staff for help
    e. technology training classes
    f. technology services overall
  6. Career-related services
    a. opportunity for career assistance
    b. information on internships, co-op, other career-related experiences
    c. resources available to explore career options
    d. information available through computers/Internet and other technology
    e. career-related services overall
  7. Timely availability of textbooks, computer supplies, and other course materials provided by the campus bookstore
  Section C -- Campus Safety, Class Size, and the Spoken English of Instructors
  1. Do you feel that this campus has taken sufficient steps to ensure your physical safety?
  Yes No(If no, please explain in Section H, Question 8.) Not Sure
  2. How many of your classes, if any, do you feel have been too large for you to learn effectively?
  None One Two Three Four or More
  3. In how many classes have you had difficulty understanding the spoken English of an instructor?
  None One Two Three Four or More
  Section D -- Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Growth
  1. To what extent do you think your college education so far has contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in each of the following areas?(Scale: 4="Very Much", 3="Somewhat", 2="Very Little", 1="Not At All", 0="Don't Know")
    Writing skills
    Speaking skills
    Listening skills
    Comprehension skills (understanding written information)
    Using mathematics skills
    Applying scientific methods of inquiry
    Enhancing analytical skills
    Developing computer skills
    Developing a tolerance for divergent views
    Understanding of diverse cultures and values
    Recognizing and acting upon ethical principles
    Exercising public responsibility and community service
    Appreciating racial equity
    Appreciating gender equity
    Advancing your appreciation of the arts
    Understanding issues and problems facing the world
    Understanding the present as it relates to historical events and processes
    Understanding how science and technology influence everyday life
    Ability to critically analyze ideas and information
    Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds
    Ability to lead or guide others
    Ability to function as part of a team
    Ability to plan and carry out projects independently
    Valuing learning as a lifelong process
    Commitment to personal health and fitness
    Taking responsibility for my own behavior
    Sense of personal identity
    Independence and self-reliance
    Potential for success
    Coping with change
    Ability to handle stress
    Personal growth
    Time management
  Section E -- Other Offices that Serve You
   Based on your experience so far, how would you evaluate each of the following services? (If you have not had enough experience with a service to evaluate it, please choose "Don't know/did not use" and then skip to the next service.) For those services which required interaction with staff secretaries, tutors, counselors, office workers, or other people [questions 1-7], please ALSO rate how responsive those staff people were to your needs. (Scale for both rating of services and rating of staff: 4="Excellent", 3="Good," 2="Fair", 1="Poor")
  1. Registration process
  2. Financial aid services
  3. Campus food services
  4. Campus health services
  5. Campus counseling (not career) services
  6. Business services/cashier/student accounts
  7. Campus residence life programs for students living in university-owned housing
  8. Opportunities to participate in campus recreational and other extra-curricular activities
  9. Opportunities to participate in community service projects
10. Opportunities to develop leadership skills
  Section F -- Campus Climate
  1. To what extent is it important to you to experience a sense of belonging or community at NC State?
  very important moderately important slightly important not at all important
  2. To what extent do you experience a sense of belonging or community at NC State?
  to a great extent to some extent to a small extent not at all

   Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements (Scale: 4="Agree Strongly", 3="Agree Somewhat", 2="Disagree Somewhat", 1="Disagree Strongly"):
  3. NC State is committed to helping minority students succeed
  4. People at NC State don?t treat each other with enough respect
  5. There is a lot of racial conflict on campus
  6. NC State has visible leadership from the Chancellor and other administrators to foster diversity on campus
  Section G -- Employment and Involvement while at NC State
  1. Please denote which of the following school-related groups (clubs, organizations, programs) you have been involved with at NC State by marking the bubble beside the category. Mark all that apply.
  Academic (Honors Program, etc.) Student Government
  Organizations/Clubs related to your major Student Judicial Board
  Honor/Service/Professional fraternity/sorority Union Activities Board groups, Student Media
  Residence Hall Council, IRC Visual/Performing Arts/Music groups
  Social fraternity/sorority Minority Student groups
  Intramural/Recreational sports, Club Teams Religious/Political/Issue groups
  Varsity Athletic Teams Other:
   If you have been employed at any time while at NC State, please answer quetions 2-4 in this section. Otherwise, go to section H.
  2. If you have worked during this academic year while at NC State, on average how many hours per week have you worked?
  Less than 5 hours per week 5-9 hours per week
  10-14 hours per week 15-19 hours per week
  20-24 hours per week 25-29 hours per week
  30-34 hours per week 35 or more hours per week
  3. If you have worked during this academic year while at NC State, was your job related to your academic major?
  Directly Related Somewhat Related Not Related
  4. If your answer to question 3 was "Not Related", was this by choice?   Yes   No
  Section H -- Your Conclusions
  1. All things considered, how would you characterize the intellectual environment on this campus?
  Very Strong Strong Average Weak Very Weak
  2. All things considered, how would you evaluate the overall quality of instruction?
  Excellent Good Fair Poor
  3. All things considered, how would you evaluate the overall education that you are receiving at this institution?
  Excellent Good Fair Poor
  4. Do you plan to complete your degree program at this institution?
  Yes No Not Sure
  5. If you could start over again, would you still choose to attend this institution?
  Yes No Not Sure
  6. How well do you feel NC State is meeting your needs in the following three areas? (Scale: 4="Very Well", 3="Adequately", 2="Somewhat Adequately", 1="Poorly")
    Intelectual Growth
    Career Training
    Personal Growth

  7. What are the three most important things NC State could do to improve the quality of undergraduates' experience here?
  8. Please use the space below to share any general comments you have about your experiences at NC State or tell us why you were particularly satisfied/dissatisfied with any aspect of your education at NC State.


For more information on the 1999 Sophomore Student Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: February, 2000

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