North Carolina State University
2003 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey:
Gender and Racial/Ethnic Comparisons
of Undergraduate Educational Goals


This document reports survey data on gender and racial/ethnic differences in respondents� assessment of the goals of undergraduate education at NC State. Specifically, results are presented for respondents� assessments of the importance of undergraduate educational goals and satisfaction that an undergraduate education at NC State meets these goals. Survey results for all respondents are provided in 2003 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey: All Respondents. For information about the survey and analysis methods see 2003 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey: Introduction, Methods, and Student Demographic Profile. Exact question wording is available on the web, or by clicking on the "Q" in the table header.

Goals of Undergraduate Education
   Goal Importance
   Satisfaction Level


Goals of Undergraduate Education

Q Goal Importance

Importance as a goal for undergraduate education

Mean Ratings
(Based on a scale where 5='very important' 4=�important� 3=�moderately important�
2=�limited importance� and 1=�not important�)

  All Men Women Af. Am White Other
Imp. Acquiring broad general educ 4.17 4.08 4.28 4.27 4.16 4.20
Imp. Ability critically analyze ideas/info 4.56 4.53 4.60 4.61 4.56 4.59
Imp. Ability understand current lit 4.27 4.23 4.31 4.43 4.25 4.31
Imp. Awareness of new sci. knwldg/discov 3.81 3.84 3.77 3.94 3.78 4.06
Imp. Having tolerance for diff. views 4.36 4.23 4.52 4.59 4.34 4.46
Imp. Undrstnd how sci./tech. influence life 3.89 3.88 3.89 4.00 3.87 4.06
Imp. Recognize/act on ethical princip 4.43 4.33 4.56 4.49 4.43 4.47
Imp. Being involved in pub/commun. affairs 3.81 3.63 4.02 3.99 3.79 3.88
Imp. Undrstnd issues/probs facing world 4.03 3.88 4.21 4.08 4.02 4.08
Imp. Undrstnd present as relates to past 3.74 3.67 3.82 3.95 3.72 3.82
Imp. Appreciating racial equity 4.03 3.76 4.35 4.59 3.98 4.29
Imp. Appreciating gender equity 4.11 3.85 4.43 4.43 4.07 4.37
Imp. Developing commitment to health 4.05 3.93 4.19 4.10 4.04 4.10
Imp. Viewing learning as lifelong proc. 4.56 4.49 4.65 4.56 4.57 4.55
Imp. Advance my apprec. of arts/music/lit. 3.49 3.23 3.80 3.68 3.47 3.60
Imp. Undrstnd own abilities/interests 4.50 4.39 4.64 4.59 4.49 4.49
Imp. Preparing for career 4.64 4.57 4.74 4.70 4.64 4.64
Frequency Distributions: Gender/Ethnicity
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Q Satisfaction Level

Satisfied that undergraduate education met goals

Mean Ratings
(Based on a scale where 5='very satisfied' 4=�somewhat satisfied� 3=�neither satisfied nor dissatisfied�
2=�somewhat dissatisfied� and 1=�very dissatisfied�)

  All Men Women Af. Am White Other
Sat. Acquiring broad general educ 4.33 4.27 4.41 4.27 4.34 4.23
Sat. Ability critically analyze ideas/info 4.29 4.27 4.31 4.24 4.30 4.14
Sat. Ability understand current lit 4.03 4.00 4.07 4.02 4.04 3.89
Sat. Awareness of new sci. knwldg/discov 3.81 3.81 3.82 3.80 3.82 3.77
Sat. Having tolerance for diff. views 4.13 4.06 4.23 4.17 4.14 4.05
Sat. Undrstnd how sci./tech. influence life 4.06 4.06 4.05 3.98 4.06 4.02
Sat. Recognize/act on ethical princip 4.08 4.00 4.18 4.08 4.09 3.98
Sat. Being involved in pub/commun. affairs 3.66 3.57 3.78 3.70 3.67 3.55
Sat. Understnd issues/probs facing world 3.75 3.73 3.78 3.67 3.76 3.73
Sat. Understnd present as relates to past 3.73 3.75 3.70 3.61 3.75 3.61
Sat. Appreciating racial equity 3.92 3.86 3.98 3.51 3.95 3.82
Sat. Appreciating gender equity 3.93 3.90 3.97 3.70 3.95 3.86
Sat. Developing commitment to health 3.83 3.82 3.84 3.84 3.82 3.88
Sat. Viewing learning as lifelong proc. 4.17 4.13 4.22 4.07 4.19 4.04
Sat. Advance my apprec. of arts/music/lit. 3.56 3.45 3.69 3.66 3.56 3.43
Sat. Undrstnd own abilities/interests 3.85 3.81 3.90 3.94 3.85 3.72
Sat. Preparing for career 3.82 3.82 3.81 3.74 3.83 3.76
Frequency Distributions: Gender/Ethnicity
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For more information on the 2003 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: April, 2003

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