NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
February 27, 2008
Dear NAME:
We'd like to invite you to participate in a very important survey about the quality of work life for staff at NC State University. We did a student survey a few years ago and a faculty survey last year, and we got really useful feedback. Now it's time to hear from staff.
One of the top priorities in the University's strategic plan is "to help attract, develop, and retain a faculty and staff of the highest quality." We are serious about this priority -- and we need your help to guide our efforts.
In about a week, you will get either an email or a package through campus/US mail asking you to participate in the Staff Well-Being Survey.
The survey asks for your opinions on a wide range of topics, such as salary and benefits, campus leadership, working relationships, support and professional development, performance reviews, and diversity. We will use the results of the survey to help identify things that already work well at NC State - as well as opportunities for improvements that might make NC State an even better community in which to work.
We will report the results at campus presentations and on the University's web site, so you'll be able to see and discuss the overall findings. And you will have chances to make suggestions for actions based on what we learn.
NC State's University Planning & Analysis (UPA) office will administer the survey, analyze the data, and prepare the reports. UPA routinely works with confidential data and will respect and protect your identity. The survey data will be stored in a secure location, and will NOT include any personally-identifying information (e.g., your name, employee ID number, etc.). Results will only be reported in summary form -- in no case will it be possible to determine an individual's identity. Your supervisor will never see any individual responses to the survey.
Your participation is completely voluntary, but we hope you take the time to share your opinions. For results to be the most meaningful and useful, everyone needs to participate and give their honest and thoughtful answers.
We have asked all senior administrators to make sure that each staff member may have up to one hour of time, during regular working hours, to privately complete either the online or paper version of the survey.
To thank you for participating, you'll be eligible for a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football or basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, or a voucher for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Dr. Nancy Whelchel in UPA ( or 515-4184). Thank you in advance for sharing your opinions with us. We look forward to using the results in our continuous efforts to support the wellbeing of NC State staff.
Sincerely,[signature] | [signature] |
Larry A. Nielsen | Charles Leffler |
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor | Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business |
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
27 de febrero de 2008
Estimado(a) NAME:
Deseamos invitarlo a participar en una encuesta muy importante sobre la calidad de vida laboral para el personal en NC State University. Realizamos una encuesta estudiantil hace algunos años y una encuesta para docentes el año pasado y obtuvimos una retroalimentación muy útil. Ahora es momento de escuchar al personal administrativo.
Una de las prioridades principales en el plan estratégico de la Universidad (strategic plan) es "ayudar a atraer, desarrollar y conservar un personal docente y administrativo de la mejor calidad." Somos serios en cuanto a esta prioridad y necesitamos de su ayuda para orientar nuestros esfuerzos.
En una semana, usted recibirá un correo electrónico o un paquete mediante el correo del campus/servicio postal pidiéndole que participe en la Encuesta sobre el bienestar del personal.
La encuesta le pide su opinión sobre una gran variedad de temas, como salario y beneficios, liderazgo en el campus, relaciones laborales, apoyo y desarrollo profesional, evaluaciones de desempeño y diversidad. Usaremos los resultados de la encuesta para ayudar a identificar las cosas que ya funcionan bien en NC State - así como las oportunidades para mejorar que podrían hacer de NC State una mejor comunidad en la cual trabajar.
Informaremos los resultados en las presentaciones del campus y en el sitio Web de la University, por lo tanto usted podrá ver y comentar los hallazgos generales. Además, usted tendrá la posibilidad de hacer sugerencias para las acciones con base en lo que aprendamos.
La oficina de NC State's University Planning & Analysis (UPA) administrará la encuesta, analizará los datos y preparará los informes. UPA trabaja periódicamente con datos confidenciales y respetará y protegerá su identidad. Los datos de la encuesta se almacenarán en un lugar seguro y NO incluirán información que lo identifique personalmente (por ejemplo: su nombre, número de identificación de empleado, etc.). Los resultados sólo se informarán en forma de resumen - en ningún caso será posible determinar la identidad de una persona. Su supervisor nunca verá las respuestas individuales proporcionadas en la encuesta.
Su participación es completamente voluntaria, pero esperamos que se tome el tiempo para compartir sus opiniones. Para que los resultados sean lo más significativo y útil posible, todas las personas necesitan proporcionar y dar respuestas honestas y consideradas.
Les pedimos a todos los administradores senior que se aseguren de que cada miembro del personal tenga una hora de tiempo, durante horas laborales regulares, para completar en privado la versión en línea o impresa de la encuesta.
Gracias por participar, usted será elegible para ganarse uno de varios premios, incluyendo boletos para un juego de fútbol o básquetbol de Wolfpack, boletos para una presentación de ARTS NC STATE, un certificado de regalo de University Bookstore o un vale para la Alumni Association Online Store.
Si usted tiene preguntas sobre la encuesta, por favor no dude en contactar a la Dra. Nancy Whelchel en UPA ( o 515-4184). Agradecemos de antemano que haya compartido sus opiniones con nosotros. Esperamos usar los resultados en nuestros esfuerzos continuos por apoyar el bienestar del personal de NC State.
Atentamente,[signature] | [signature] |
Larry A. Nielsen | Charles Leffler |
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor | Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business |
About a week ago we sent you a letter inviting you to participate in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. The results of this survey will help identify what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements in our efforts to attract, develop and retain a staff of the highest quality.
The survey is available online now until April 30 at
The survey is very comprehensive - - it could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete the entire survey. As a reminder, supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private. If necessary, you can complete part of the survey and then come back to finish the rest at a later time. However, in order for us to fully understand the well-being of our staff, it is very important that you eventually complete all sections of the survey by the April 30 deadline.
You will need to use your Unity user ID to access the survey. This helps us administer the survey and link your responses with demographic information that help us to better understand issues facing particular groups of staff and at the same time keep the questionnaire reasonably short.
Please be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential. The survey data will be stored in a secure location, and will not include any personally identifying information (e.g., Unity ID, employee number). Results will only be reported in the summary form --- in no case will it be possible to determine an individual's identity.
Your participation is completely voluntary, but we hope you take the time to share your opinions with us. In order for the results to be meaningful and useful, we need each of you to participate and give candid assessments.
To show our appreciation, at the end of the survey you may enter a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football game, tickets to a Wolfpack men's basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, and a gift certificate for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you have any questions about the survey, or would like to request a paper copy of the survey, please contact Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
Larry A. Nielsen, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Charles D. Leffler, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business
* This message was approved in accordance with the NC State *
* University Computer Use Policy Administrative Regulations *
* Section IV D on broadcast e-mail. See URL *
* *
About a week ago we sent you a letter inviting you to participate in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. The results of this survey will help identify what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements in our efforts to attract, develop and retain a staff of the highest quality.
The survey is now available online now until April 30 at
We will be sending you a paper copy of the survey through campus mail in a few days; if you would prefer not to do it online please just wait and fill out the paper survey when you get it.
The survey is very comprehensive - - it could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete the entire survey. As a reminder, supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private. If necessary, you can complete part of the survey and then come back to finish the rest at a later time. However, in order for us to fully understand the well-being of our staff, it is very important that you eventually complete all sections of the survey by the April 30 deadline.
You will need to use your Unity user ID to access the survey. This helps us administer the survey and link your responses with demographic information that help us to better understand issues facing particular groups of staff and at the same time keep the questionnaire reasonably short.
Please be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential. The survey data will be stored in a secure location, and will not include any personally identifying information (e.g., Unity ID, employee number). Results will only be reported in the summary form --- in no case will it be possible to determine an individual's identity.
Your participation is completely voluntary, but we hope you take the time to share your opinions with us. In order for the results to be meaningful and useful, we need each of you to participate and give candid assessments.
To show our appreciation, at the end of the survey you may enter a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football game, tickets to a Wolfpack men's basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, and a gift certificate for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
Larry A. Nielsen, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Charles D. Leffler, Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business
* This message was approved in accordance with the NC State *
* University Computer Use Policy Administrative Regulations *
* Section IV D on broadcast e-mail. See URL *
* *
March 19, 2008
Dear NAME:
About a week ago we sent you a letter inviting you to participate in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. The results of this survey will help identify what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements in our efforts to attract, develop and retain a staff of the highest quality.
Enclosed please find a paper copy of the survey, along with a postage-paid return envelope in which to seal and return your completed survey. Attached to your survey is a note with important information you need for completing the survey and making sure we accurately capture your responses. Be sure to remove the note before mailing back your completed survey.
As you can see that the survey is very comprehensive - - it could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete the entire survey. As a reminder, supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private. In order for us to fully understand the well-being of our staff, it is very important that all those invited to participate in the survey complete all sections and return it in the enclosed envelope by the April 30 deadline.
Please record the following unique ID number that has been randomly generated for you where requested on your survey: paperid1-paperid2. This number helps us administer the survey and link your responses with demographic information that help us to better understand issues facing particular groups of staff, and at the same time keep the questionnaire reasonably short.
Please be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential. The survey data will be stored in a secure location, and will not include any personally identifying information (e.g., employee number). Results will only be reported in the summary form --- in no case will it be possible to determine an individual's identity.
Your participation is completely voluntary, but we hope you take the time to share your opinions with us. In order for the results to be meaningful and useful, we need each of you to participate and give candid assessments.
To show our appreciation, you are invited to enter a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football game, tickets to a Wolfpack men's basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, and a gift certificate for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you would prefer, the survey is also available online at
You will need to use your Unity user ID to access the online survey. Please note that if necessary, you can complete part of the online survey and then come back to finish the rest at a later time.
If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Dr. Nancy Whelchel in Office of Institutional Planning and Research ( or 515-4184). Thank you in advance for sharing your opinions with us. We look forward to using the results in our continuous efforts to support the wellbeing of NC State staff.
Sincerely,[signature] | [signature] |
Larry A. Nielsen | Charles Leffler |
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor | Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business |
19 de marzo de 2008
Estimado(a) NOMBRE:
Hace aproximadamente una semana le enviamos una carta invitándole a participar en la NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. Los resultados de esta encuesta nos ayudarán a identificar qué estamos haciendo bien y dónde necesitamos hacer mejoras en nuestros esfuerzos para atraer, desarrollar y mantener un personal de la más alta calidad.
Adjunta encontrará una copia de la encuesta junto con un sobre con el franqueo postal pago, en el que debe sellar y devolver su encuesta diligenciada. Asimismo encontrará una hoja con información importante para completar la encuesta y para asegurarnos de la precisión en las respuestas.
Como puede ver, la encuesta es comprensiva -- puede tomar de 30 minutos a una hora para completar toda la encuesta. Recuerde que los supervisores han recibido instrucciones para darle a su personal hasta una hora durante el horario de trabajo para completar la encuesta en privado. Con el fin de que podamos entender el bienestar de nuestro personal, es muy importante que quienes fueron invitados a participar en la encuesta completen todas las secciones y devuelvan la encuesta en el sobre adjunto para la fecha límite del 30 de abril.
Por favor, registre en el espacio solicitado de la encuesta el número único de identificación que se le ha generado a usted aleatoriamente: paperid1-paperid2. Este número nos ayudará a administrar la encuesta y relacionar sus respuestas con información demográfica que nos permite comprender mejor los asuntos con los que deben lidiar los grupos particulares del personal al tiempo que mantiene el cuestionario razonablemente corto.
Puede estar seguro de que su identidad será protegida y de que sus respuestas serán confidenciales. Los datos de la encuesta serán archivados en un lugar seguro y no incluirán información personalmente identificable (por ejemplo, número de empleado). Los resultados serán reportados en el formato de resumen -- en ningún caso será posible determinar la identidad de un individuo.
Su participación es completamente voluntaria, pero esperamos que se tome el tiempo para compartir sus opiniones. Para que los resultados sean lo más significativo y útil posible, todas las personas necesitan proporcionar y dar respuestas honestas y consideradas.
Gracias por participar, usted será elegible para ganarse uno de varios premios, incluyendo boletos para un juego de fútbol o básquetbol de Wolfpack, boletos para una presentación de ARTS NC STATE un certificado de regalo de University Bookstore o un vale para la Alumni Association Online Store.
Si usted lo prefiere, la encuesta también está disponible en línea en:
Usted deberá usar su Unity user ID para acceder a la encuesta en línea. Tenga en cuenta que, si lo requiere, usted puede completar parte de la encuesta en línea y después regresar para finalizar el resto más tarde.
Si usted tiene preguntas sobre la encuesta, por favor no dude en contactar a la Dra. Nancy Whelchel en Office of Institutional Planning and Research ( o 515-4184). Agradecemos de antemano que haya compartido sus opiniones con nosotros. Esperamos usar los resultados en nuestros esfuerzos continuos por apoyar el bienestar del personal de NC State.
Atentamente,[signature] | [signature] |
Larry A. Nielsen | Charles Leffler |
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor | Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business |
About two weeks ago Provost Neilsen and Vice Chancellor Leffler sent you an email inviting you to participate in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. The survey is open to EPA and SPA employees who work at least 20 hours per week and have been at NC State for at least six months.* I am responsible for administering the survey, and see that as of 1:00 P.M. April 1 we had not yet gotten your survey. If you have completed it since then, thank you! If not, while your participation is completely voluntary, I encourage you to take some time to share your opinions with us.
The survey is available online now until April 30 at
The survey is very comprehensive - - it could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete the entire survey. Supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private. If necessary, you can complete part of the survey and then come back to finish the rest at a later time. However, in order for us to fully understand the well-being of our staff, it is very important that you eventually complete all sections of the survey by the April 30 deadline.
You will need to use your Unity user ID to access the survey, but be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential. The survey data will be stored in a secure location, and will not include any personally identifying information (e.g., Unity ID, employee number). Results will only be reported in the summary form --- in no case will it be possible to determine an individual's identity.
To show our appreciation, at the end of the survey you may enter a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football game, tickets to a Wolfpack men's basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, and a gift certificate for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you have any questions about the survey, or would like to request a paper copy of the survey, please contact me at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
* Note that the survey population does not include those with instructional appointments (except Librarians) and upper administration.
Thank you for your participation in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. I am responsible for administering the survey, and see that as of 1:00 P.M. April 1 you had not yet completed all of the sections in it. If you have completed the survey since then, thank you! If not, I encourage you return to the survey and finish the remaining sections. Again, participation in the survey is completely voluntary, but we are hoping that all EPA and SPA who work at least 20 hours per week and have been at NC State for at least six months share their opinions with us.*
In order for the results to be meaningful and useful, we need your candid assessments on all topics included in the survey. Some of the sections you might not have answered yet cover such areas as performance review, pay and compensation, and your work activities. The final section provides you with the opportunity to comment in your own words about the most positive aspects of working at NC State as well as the most serious challenges you face here and your suggestions for improvements.
When you return to the survey you will go directly to the next section you need to complete. Many of you are almost done! We appreciate you taking a few more minutes of your time to finish the survey. After you've completed the survey don't forget to enter into the drawing for one of the many fabulous prizes!
The survey is available online now until April 30 at
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
Nany Whelchel
* Note that the survey population does not include those with instructional appointments (except Librarians) and upper administration.
Everyone receiving this postcard is invited and encouraged to participate in the Staff Well-Being Survey. If you have already completed it, thanks! If not, there are many reasons to do so, including:
The survey is available now until April 30 online at
To request a paper copy of the survey, or for more information about the project, email or phone 515-4184.
A few weeks ago Provost Neilsen and Vice Chancellor Leffler mailed you a letter inviting you to participate in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. I am responsible for administering the survey, and wanted to let you know that as of noon on April 15th about 2,000 of the almost 6,000 employees invited to participate in the survey had completed it! My records, however, indicate that we have not yet received your survey. If you have completed and returned it to us since then, thank you! If not, while your participation is completely voluntary, I encourage you to take some time to share your opinions with us. The deadline for returning the survey is April 30.
Please be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential. (I am actually the only person who even knows who has and has not done the survey, which is why this reminder is coming from me.) The survey data are stored in a secure location, and do not include any personally identifying information (e.g., employee number). Results will only be reported in summary form --- in no case will it be possible to link an individual with his/her responses to the survey questions.
Attached to the enclosed survey is a note with important information you need for completing the survey, including a unique ID number that has been randomly generated for you. Please record your number [paperid1 - paperid2] where requested on your survey form. This number helps us administer the survey and connect your responses with demographic information that help us to better understand issues facing particular groups of staff, and at the same time shortens the questionnaire a bit. Be sure to remove the note before mailing back your completed survey!
The survey is very comprehensive - - it could take 30 minutes to an hour to complete the entire survey. Supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private.
Again, your participation is completely voluntary, but we hope you take the time to share your opinions with us. In order for the results to be meaningful and useful, we need each of you to participate and give candid assessments.
To show our appreciation, you are invited to enter a drawing for one of several prizes, including tickets to a Wolfpack football game, tickets to a Wolfpack men's basketball game, tickets to an ARTS NC STATE performance, a University Bookstore gift certificate, and a gift certificate for the Alumni Association Online Store.
If you would prefer to complete the survey online, please go to
If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact me at or 515-4184. Thank you in advance for sharing your opinions with us. We look forward to using the results in our continuous efforts to support the wellbeing of NC State staff.
Nancy L. Whelchel, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Survey Research
The deadline for participating in the NC State University Staff Well-Being Survey is just a few days away! I am responsible for administering the survey, and see that as of 8:00 A.M. April 28 we had not yet gotten your survey. Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary, but if you have been meaning to get to it, time is running out! Over 3,000 employees have already either submitted the survey online or sent back a completed paper copy of it. While that gives us a lot of information, I want to encourage you to make sure your opinions are heard as well. To show our appreciation, at the end of the survey you may enter a drawing for one of several prizes.
The survey is available online until midnight on Wednesday April 30 at
Supervisors have been instructed to give their staff up to one hour, during normal work hours, to complete the survey in private. You will need to use your Unity user ID to access the survey, but be assured that your identity will be protected and your individual responses kept confidential.
If you have any questions about the survey, or would like to request a paper copy of the survey, please contact me at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
Thank you for your participation in the NC State Staff Well-Being Survey. I am responsible for administering the survey, and see that as of 8:00 A.M. April 28 you had not yet completed all of the sections in it. If you have completed the survey since then, thank you! If not, you only have a few days left to do so before the survey closes at midnight on April 30.
To return to the survey online simply go to
After you log in you will be taken directly to the next section you need to complete. Many of you are almost done! Some of the sections you might not have answered yet cover such areas as performance review, pay and compensation, and your work activities. The final section provides you with the opportunity to comment in your own words about the most positive aspects of working at NC State as well as the most serious challenges you face here and your suggestions for improvements.
We appreciate you taking a few more minutes of your time to finish the survey. After you've finished don't forget to enter into the drawing for one of the many fabulous prizes!
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at 515-4184 or
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
Nancy Whelchel
Posted: August, 2008
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