2014-2015 Graduating Senior Survey:
Department of History
The Department of History is very interested in your opinions, and believes that
as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information to help evaluate
and improve its program. We appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions.
To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you
have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with
each of the following statements.
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
No opinion
1. My history courses have given me
methods and knowledge for finding and assessing information necessary
for my career goals.
2. My history courses have given me
methods and knowledge for finding and accessing information needed as a
3. My history courses have prepared
me to organize experiences and information into a meaningful
and comprehensible understanding of the past.
4. My history courses aid me in
seeing more potential possibilities in my life and work or
5. My history courses aid me in
understanding the changes in U.S. society and in the world generally.
How would you rate your experiences in history courses in gaining the
following skills and knowledge?
Very satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Moderately unsatisfied
Very unsatisfied
No opinion
6. Awareness of change over time
7. Ability to appraise critically written
8. Ability to appraise critically oral
9. Ability to communicate
10. Ability to communicate
in writing
How would you evaluate your department advisor(s) on the following
Very satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Moderately unsatisfied
Very unsatisfied
No opinion
11. Accessibility
12. Knowledge of university, college,
and departmental regulations
13. Timely and appropriate guidance
on courses and requirements
14. Informed career advising
After graduation how likely is it that you will then engage in some form
of historical research?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely
15. In your profession
16. On your family
17. On your community
18. On your place of worship
20. If you were beginning over,
would you choose to major in history again?
Departmental Surveys
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survey for your Department! If you have not already completed additional
questions for another major you will be graduating with from NC State, and
that major department is listed below, please select it then click on the submit
button to go to the additional questions
for that department. Otherwise, select "None" and click on the submit button
to submit your responses to this survey.
When you are satisfied with
all your answers on this page, click on the "Submit" button to go to the next one.
If you do not see a college/department survey or a
"Thank you" message after you click on the "Submit" button your
survey results were not saved. You can use your browser's "back"
button to return to this page and submit again, re-enter your answers
at another time, or let us know about the problem at (919) 515-4184 or