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2014-2015 Graduating Senior Survey:
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management


The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management is very interested in your opinions, and believes that as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information to help evaluate and improve its program. We appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions.

To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.

1. As you think back over the coursework you have had in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, how satisfied are you with the education you have gained overall in this program?

How frequently did you speak with your faculty advisor outside of the classroom environment about each of the following topics? More than once per semester At least once per semester At least once per academic year Only once or twice since I've been here Not at all
2. Required academic planning (registration, drop/add, etc.)
3. Advice/discussion of academic matters (study habits, grades, etc.)
4. Career advising (choosing a career, planning a major, etc.)
5. Personal discussion or advice (roommates, finances, etc.)

6. Did you start out at NC State as a PRT, SMT, or PGM major, or did you transfer in?

7. What was the most important factor to you in deciding to major in PRT, SMT, or PGM?

Our department has several educational goals and expectations for our undergraduate students. Please indicate the extent to which you feel you have attained each goal. A Great Deal A Moderate Amount A Fair Amount A Little Not at All
8. Expertise in writing papers
9. Ability to function effectively as a member of a team
10. Ability to speak effectively in formal and informal situations
11. Skills to plan, organize, and direct recreation/sport programs
12. Skills to plan and manage parks and recreation facilities
13. Ability to analyze and interpret survey results
14. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve problems
15. Understand professional and ethical responsibilities
16. Familiarity with various theories of recreation, play, and leisure
17. Ability to engage in life long learning
18. Skills to assume leadership roles in your community

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
19. My program included enough classroom presentations for me to gain good oral presentation skills.
20. My program included enough written assignments and feedback for me to gain good report-writing skills.
21. My program provided adequate knowledge of contemporary issues.
22. My program included enough assignments that involved the use of technology for me to gain good computer and technical skills.
23. My internship/co-op provided me with an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experiences in my area of interest.
24. Based on the quality of teaching and the education I received in my program, I would recommend it to a friend.

25. If you were beginning over, would you still choose to major in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Sport Management, or Professional Golf Management?

Departmental Surveys

Thank you for completing this survey for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management! If you have not already completed additional questions for another major you have that is listed below, please select it and click on the submit button to go to the additional questions for that department. Otherwise, select "None" and click on the submit button to submit your responses to this survey.

When you are satisfied with all your answers on this page, click on the "Submit" button to go to the next one.

If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank you" message after you click on the "Submit" button your survey results were not saved. You can use your browser's "back" button to return to this page and submit again, re-enter your answers at another time, or let us know about the problem at (919) 515-4184 or

Thank you for your time and assistance!

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