To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.
Please indicate your major. If you are graduating this academic year (December 2014 or May 2015) with more than one major in the College of Engineering, select what you consider to be your primary major. Respond to the questions below based on your experiences in the major you select here. |
Please rate the preparation you received in your program at NC State University for each of the following: | Excellent | Good | Average | Fair | Poor | Not Applicable |
1. The ability to apply knowledge from your major in engineering or computer science | ||||||
2. The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science | ||||||
3. The ability to design and conduct experiments | ||||||
4. The ability to analyze and interpret data | ||||||
5. The ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs | ||||||
6. The ability to function on multidisciplinary teams | ||||||
7. The ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering or computer science problems |
Excellent | Good | Average | Fair | Poor | Not Applicable |
8. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility | 9. The ability to write effectively | |||||
10. The ability to speak effectively | ||||||
11. A broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context | ||||||
12. A recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in lifelong learning | 13. Knowledge of contemporary issues | |||||
14. The ability to use the techniques and skills necessary of engineering or computer science practice | ||||||
15. The ability to use modern tools necessary for engineering or computer science practice |
Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? | Agree | Tend to Agree |
Neither Agree nor Disagree |
Tend to Disagree |
Disagree | Not Applicable |
16. My program included enough classroom presentations for me to gain good oral presentation skills | ||||||
17. My program included enough written reports for me to gain good report-writing skills | ||||||
18. My senior design project(s) provided a good opportunity to integrate my learning in major and non-major courses | ||||||
19. Design activities were integrated throughout my program | ||||||
20. The coursework activities in my program as a whole required synthesis, creativity, and open-ended thinking | ||||||
21. The computing facilities available to me in the department were adequate and accessible | ||||||
22. The classroom facilities were conducive to learning | ||||||
23. Based on the quality of teaching and education I received in my program, I would recommend it to a friend |
24. Did you take courses beyond those required in your curriculum to satisfy a personal interest or career objectives? |
25. If you answered "Yes" to question 24, were the courses in your major or outside of your major? |
26. |
27. |
28. |
29. |
Please rate the following aspects of the Mechatronics program: | Excellent | Good | Average | Fair | Poor | Not Applicable |
1. Communication and accessibility outside the classroom with Raleigh-based faculty | ||||||
2. Communication and accessibility outside the classroom with Asheville-based Facilitator/Instructor | ||||||
3. Local student teaching assistants | ||||||
4. Faculty visits to Asheville | ||||||
5. Live lab instruction | ||||||
6. Promptness of feedback on your work | ||||||
7. Access to advising pertaining to NCSU course and curricular requirements | ||||||
8. Access to information about relevant NCSU policies, rules, and regulations | 9. Design/hands-on projects | |||||
10. Computer lab facilities | ||||||
11. Effectiveness of Distance Education Technology (e.g., whiteboard, microphones, studio operators, volume, focus, etc.) | ||||||
12. Class size |
Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? | Agree | Tend to Agree |
Neither Agree nor Disagree |
Tend to Disagree |
Disagree | Not Applicable |
13. I am able to use knowledge of mechanical and electrical engineering to solve mechatronics problems | ||||||
14. I am skilled in integrating and applying systems or devices incorporating modern microelectronics, information technologies, and modern engineering tools for product design, development, and manufacturing | ||||||
15. I communicate effectively | ||||||
16. I work well on teams |
Thank you for completing the College of Engineering survey. If you do not have another major, or your other major department is not listed below, select "None" and click on the "Submit" button to submit your responses to this survey. If you have another major that is listed below, please select it then click on the "Submit" button to submit your responses to this survey and go to the next one.
When you are satisfied with all your answers on this page, click on the "Submit" button to go to the next one.
If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank you" message after you click on the "submit" button, your survey results were not saved. You can use your browser's "back" button to return to this page and submit again, re-enter your answers at another time, or let us know about the problem at (919) 515-4184 or