2013-2014 Graduating Senior Survey: Department of Poultry Science
2013-2014 Graduating Senior Survey:
Department of Poultry Science
The Department of Poultry Science is very interested in your opinions, and
believes that as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information
to help evaluate and improve its program. We appreciate you taking the time
to answer these questions.
To answer a question, click on
the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the
questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of
the form to submit your answers.
If available, how likely is it that you would have taken additional
course work in poultry processing?
If available, how likely is it that you would have taken web-based
Poultry Science courses?
Did you have any significant interaction with Poultry
Science faculty outside of those from whom you took courses?
Would you be willing to work with the Department Faculty
and students in the future to help recruit High School students into Poultry
If so, please provide Dr. Mike Williams (mike_williams@ncsu.edu) with your complete
contact information and a list of the High Schools with which you would be willing to work.
Departmental Surveys
Thank you for completing this survey for your Department! If you have not
already completed additional questions for another major you have that is
listed below, please select it and click on the submit button to go to the
additional questions for that department. Otherwise, select "None" and click
on the submit button to submit your responses to this survey.
When you are satisfied with
all your answers on this page, click on the "Submit" button to go to the next one.
If you do not see a college/department survey or a
"Thank you" message after you click on the "Submit" button, your
survey results were not saved. You can use your browser's "back"
button to return to this page and submit again, re-enter your answers
at another time, or let us know about the problem at (919) 515-4184 or
Thank you for your time and assistance!
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