2013-2014 Graduating Senior Survey: Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

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2013-2014 Graduating Senior Survey:
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
(AET majors only)


All graduating seniors in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering are being asked to take a few minutes to complete this survey. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the department have both included questions. Your answers to these questions are important and would be appreciated. If you have more than one major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, please answer this survey based on your experiences in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Questions

1. Did you participate in undergraduate research with NCSU faculty?

2. Which one reason listed below best describes your reason for not participating in undergraduate research with NCSU faculty?

If you participated in undergraduate research with NCSU faculty, please answer questions 3 and 4. Others skip to question 5.

3. Was the research you conducted for college credit under

4. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: My research experience enabled me to focus on a career, to gain employment, and/or to become admitted to postbaccalaureate educational programs.

All answer

5. Did you participate in undergraduate teaching with NCSU faculty?
(mark your response then skip to question 7)
(answer question 6)

6. Which one reason listed below best describes your reason for not participating in undergraduate teaching with NCSU faculty?

If you participated in undergraduate teaching with NCSU faculty, please answer questions 7 and 8. Others skip to question 9.

7. Was the teaching you conducted for college credit under

8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: My teaching experience enabled me to focus on a career, to gain employment, and/or to become admitted to postbaccalaureate educational programs.

All answer

9. Did you participate in a formal internship?

10. How did you locate the internship?

11. Did you ever use the CALS Career Services Office (hear a speaker from that office in a class or club, attend a career program including the Career Expo, Focus on Your Future, a Minute Clinic, Kick Start, Career Fellows, Just Who Will I Be? or use their web pages)?



All answer


15. Did you participate in a CALS club or student organization?


17. Overall, how beneficial was your experience in the CALS club(s) or student organization(s)?

18. Did you participate in an international experience?

19. Which of the following international experiences did you have? (mark all that apply)

As an alumnus, you will be eligible to use the CALS Career Services Office. For question 20, please indicate whether or not the statement applies to you.

20. I plan to use the office sometime in the future if I am making a career transition.

If you would be willing to provide advice for CALS students about your career once you are established in your field, please contact Marcy Bullock at 919.515.3249 or cals_career@ncsu.edu.

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering: (Questions for AET Majors Only)

Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.

1. The following AET teaching facilities and equipment significantly enhanced my learning experience: Agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Disagree Did not use/no opinion
a. Classrooms
b. Laboratory rooms
c. Audio/video equipment
d. Computers
e. Laboratory equipment
f. Access to the above facilities and equipment

  Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
2. As a graduating senior, I feel adequately prepared to independently design and conduct experiments.
3. In general, teamwork experiences in all of my undergraduate courses were positive.
4. I have a conceptual understanding of group dynamics.
5. Team project experiences have given me the skills and strategies that will make any future teamwork I engage in successful.
6. The instruction and guidance in teamwork I have received from professors in AET was adequate.
7. The instruction and guidance in teamwork I received from other NCSU professors was adequate.
8. I am confident that my undergraduate instruction in oral and written communication skills have prepared me to perform capably on the job.

Please indicate the number of times you attended the following activities while an undergraduate student: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
9. Professional development seminars that focused on teamwork, interpersonal communication, or time management skills
10. Life-long learning activities

11. Have you already accepted a job offer?
 If yes:










Departmental Surveys

Thank you for completing this survey for your Department! If you have not already completed additional questions for another major you have that is listed below, please select it and click on the submit button to go to the additional questions for that department. Otherwise, select "None" and click on the submit button to submit your responses to this survey.

When you are satisfied with all your answers on this page, click on the "Submit" button to go to the next one.

If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank you" message after you click on the "submit" button, your survey results were not saved. You can use your browser's "back" button to return to this page and submit again, re-enter your answers at another time, or let us know about the problem at (919) 515-4184 or studentsurveys@ncsu.edu.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

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