1. What curriculum are you in? | |
2. What is your cumulative Undergraduate GPA? |
3. What is your primary level of teaching interest? |
4. What are your plans after graduation? |
For your PROFESSIONAL courses in Education, Psychology and Methods, how would you rate the following: | Poor | Fair | Good | Very Good | Excellent |
5. Quality of teaching |
6. Quality of clinical in-school experiences |
7. Facilitation of your own professional development |
For your PROFESSIONAL courses in Education, Psychology and Methods, to what degree were the following concepts discussed: | Not at all | Infrequently | Somewhat frequently | Extensively |
8. Theories of human development |
9. Classroom management |
10. Learning theories, including constructivism |
11. Assessment of learning |
12. Inquiry/research skills |
13. Cooperative learning and collaboration with colleagues |
14. State standards for teaching |
15. Professional development |
16. Professional ethics |
17. Instructional technology |
To what extent did your PROFESSIONAL courses and clinical, in-school experiences (including 203/205/207, 310 and student teaching) enhance your ability to: | Not at all | Somewhat | Sufficiently | Very well |
18. Foster classroom collaboration |
19. Effectively develop a lesson plan |
20. Foster intellectual development of students |
21. Write effectively as a teacher |
22. Manage behavior of students |
23. Use instructional technology in the classroom |
24. Establish equity in the classroom |
25. Actively engage students in the learning process |
26. Work with colleagues in your school |
27. Work effectively with parents |
28. Teach children from diverse ethnic backgrounds |
29. Teach children with diverse academic backgrounds |
30. Assess student learning |
How well did the CONTENT courses in your teaching field (such as courses in science, history, foreign language, mathematics, English, etc) provide you directly or by example with: | Not at all | Somewhat | Sufficiently | Very well |
31. Sufficient knowledge to teach your subject area |
32. Teaching techniques for use with your students |
33. Skills in instructional technology |
34. Methods for teaching your specific content |
35. Laboratory skills |
36. Understanding of connections between your content field and other content areas |
For courses in your CONTENT or teaching field, how would you rate the following: | Poor | Fair | Good | Very Good | Excellent |
37. Quality of instruction |
38. Importance of the content to the content that is taught in the public school |
39. Your instructor as a model for public school teaching |
40. Techniques of teaching used by your instructor |