North Carolina State University
2010-2011 Graduating Senior Survey
Department of Biology


All graduating seniors in the Department of Biology are being asked to complete this survey. The Department is very interested in your opinions, and believes that as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information to help evaluate and improve its programs. We appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions.

To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.

1. In what semester and year did you first enroll at NC State?

2a. Did you transfer to NC State from another institution?
(mark your response then skip to question 3a)

2b. If yes, did you transfer to NC State as a:

3a. Did you transfer into Biology from another department at NC State?
(mark your response then skip to question 4)

3b.If yes, did you transfer into Biology as a:

4. Did you receive any honors, scholarships, or awards at NC State?

5. Did you participate in any on- or off-campus research experiences?

Post-Graduation Employment Plans

6. Which of the following best describes your employment plans in the months following graduation?
(mark your response then skip to question 11)
(mark your response then skip to question 11)

If you will be employed in either a permanent or temporary position, please tell us about your position.

7. Will you be working full- or part-time?

8. Where will you be employed?



Post-Graduation Education Plans

11. Have you applied to graduate or professional school? If yes, please indicate the type of school to which you have applied.
(mark your response then skip to question 13)

12. Have you been accepted to any of the graduate/professional schools to which you have applied, and if so, will you be attending?

Department of Biology Feedback

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding Advising: Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
13. My advisor was available for appointments.
14. My advisor kept scheduled appointments.
15. My advisor scheduled a reasonable amount of time for effective advising.
16. My advisor was knowledgeable and gave appropriate advice concerning curricular content (courses, major requirements, etc).
17. My advisor was knowledgeable and gave appropriate advice concerning academic policies, procedures, and deadlines.
18. My advisor made referrals to appropriate campus resources, services, and programs.
19. My advisor showed interest in me, my needs, interests, and concerns.
20. My advisor provided appropriate encouragement and constructive criticism.
21. My advisor made a reasonable effort to help me.

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding Academics: Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
22. I have developed strong writing skills appropriate for my future career goals.
23. I have developed strong speaking skills appropriate for my future career goals.
24. Through the introductory courses I took (ZO 150 and 160 or BIO 181 and 183), I gained a broad knowledge of the field.
25. Through advanced courses in biology and/or zoology I gained a strong knowledge in at least one advanced area of study.
Students who completed a formal Learning Experience for credit, please answer question 26. All others please skip to question 27. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
26. My Learning Experience (either off campus 492 or on campus 493) was a worthwhile experience. 






The Department of Biology wants to highlight graduating seniors' achievements in our advising newsletter, The BIO Guru. We also often include recent graduates in The BIO Guru's 'Career Connections.'

If you would like your name and achievements included in the newsletter and/or would if you would like to contribute to the 'Career Connections,' please contact the Department's Coordinator of Advising, Jenny Ellerbe at or 919-515-3341.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

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