North Carolina State University
2009-2010 Graduating Senior Survey
School of Public and International Affairs


The School of Public and International Affair is very interested in your opinions, and believes that as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information to help us evaluate and improve our program. We appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions.

To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.

1. What was the most important factor to you in selecting your major?

2. What are your plans in the year following graduation?

3. Please characterize your plans following graduation.

4. Which one of the following areas are you most likely to work in as a career?

5. During your academic career at NC State did you perform any volunteer work for a charitable or other nonprofit organization in either the Triangle or your home community?

6. Following graduation do you intend to perform any volunteer work for a charitable or other nonprofit organization?

Please indicate the extent and timing of off-campus employment during your college career. Did you have a paid job off campus during your: Yes No  
7. Freshman year?
8. Sophomore year?
9. Junior year?
10. Senior year?

In which of the following activities did you participate while at NC State? Yes, participated in No, did not participate in
11. Student Legislature
12. Student Government
13. Social/Service Fraternity or Sorority
14. Academic Honor Society
15. Model United Nations
16. Politics Club
17. Other NC State-affiliated organization )

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.
18. My experience in the political science program has enhanced my: Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
a. ability to recognize social and political problems
b. ability to understand political positions and political viewpoints contrary to my own
c. ability to analyze information
d. ability to understand the day's news

19. How often do you follow political news... Very Often Sometimes Not Often Never
a. on the Internet
b. on network television
c. on cable television
d. on the radio
e. in newspapers

Please indicate the appropriate responses about yourself and your background.

20. How old are you?

21. When you are not at NC State, where is your home?

22. How would you describe your home area?


Thank you for your time and assistance!

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