North Carolina State University
2009-2010 Graduating Senior Survey:
Department of Communication


The Department of Communication is very interested in your opinions, and believes that as a graduating senior you can provide it with useful information to help evaluate and improve its program. We appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions.

To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must hit the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.

1. Please indicate in what curriculum area you concentrated. If you studied in more than one area, indicate the one listed on your transcript.

Please rate how satisfied you are with the following: Very
Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
2. Your major (Communication)
3. Your concentration
4. Quality of instruction within your major classes
5. Curriculum offerings within the major
6. Level of faculty-student interaction outside of the classroom
7. Level of faculty-student interaction within the classroom
8. Interaction with advisors
9. Interaction with office staff

Please indicate to what extent coursework in your major improved your ability to do each of the following: Majorly improved Moderately improved Slightly improved Did not improve
10. Use theory and research to analyze communication situations or problems
11. Convey your ideas or arguments through writing
12. Deliver oral presentations
13. Use communication to influence others
14. Analyze the messages of others
15. Engage in leadership activities
16. Work in diverse teams
17. Manage conflict productively
18. Be a knowledgeable citizen
19. Evaluate technological tools
20. Use technology to communicate
21. Analyze mediated messages/content
22. Understand issues concerning technology and society
  Majorly improved Moderately improved Slightly improved Did not improve
23. Understand issues concerning culture and communication
24. Manage conversation with others
25. Develop relationships with others
26. Create and produce messages or images
27. Identify and address ethical issues in communication
28. Communicate in an ethical way
29. Use communication research methods
30. Read and evaluate communication research
31. Identify key issues in the research process (e.g., sampling, ethics)
32. Improve interpersonal relationships
33. Use communication to address a practical problem or situation
34. Apply your knowledge to improve upon a current communication practice

35. Did you belong to a communication student organization (e.g., LPE, PRSSA)?
(skip to question 38)

36. Please rate your satisfaction with your experiences in communication student organization(s) overall?

37. How could your experience with communication student organization(s) have been improved ?

38. Did you attend Communication Week activities?
(skip to question 40)

39. How useful did you find these activities?
Not at all

40. Which of the following describes your plans after graduation?
( )
( )
( )

If you are interested in joining the Communication Alumni Circle or participating in Communication Week activities as an alumnus, please contact the Communication Department at (919) 515-9736 for more information.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

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