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NC State University Graduating Senior Survey:
College/Department/Program Inserts

Revising Your Insert (or creating a brand new one)

In reviewing your current insert, or in thinking about using an insert for the first time, I suggest that you think about your planning and assessment needs. A college/department/program insert included along with the standard University questions can provide you with valuable information to use, for example, for accreditation, program review, and/or in your compact plan. Including an insert designed to collect the information you need can save you a lot of work in trying to collect such data on your own (since we do most of the work!), as well as help to minimize the 'over-surveying' of our students.


Can students complete more than one insert?
As with the current survey, students will be able to answer more than one GSS insert. For example, there could be a college insert, a department insert, and even a program insert for students in a particular program. In addition, students will be able to complete inserts for each of their majors.

How many questions can be on an insert?
While there are no real limits to the number of questions you can include in a given insert, please remember that students are more likely to simply stop answering the questions and/or go to the next insert if yours gets too long. I would suggest keeping your insert to under 30 questions. You are welcome to have both forced-choice and open-ended questions.

What information does UPA need to create an insert?
All I need are the questions and response options, in the order you want them, along with any specific instructions for students. Don't worry about trying to make the copy of the insert you give me look pretty. Also, tell us who you want to answer your insert, e.g., all students in your college, in your department, in a specific program, etc.

Who asks the students to participate in the survey?
As in the past, we will ask you to inform your graduating seniors about the survey and to follow up with non-respondents. We will continue to help you do this as easily as possible, with both a 'paper trail' option and an online option for seeing who has responded to the survey.

What does UPA do?
The survey staff will be happy to help you evaluate your current insert, revise questions, and/or develop new ones. We will prepare your insert for administration on the Web, and collect the data. After the survey closes (generally shortly after graduation in May), we clean and analyze the data. Early in the fall semester following graduation, we provide you with the data, supporting documentation, and frequencies of responses to your insert questions.

For more information on NC State Student Surveys contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Updated: January 2007

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