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North Carolina State University
2006 Faculty Well-Being Survey
Section N: Conclusions/Overall Satisfaction

Tables of Results
by Demographic Profile

The following tables provide results to questions in Section N: Conclusions/Overall Satisfaction, broken down by gender, race/ethnicity, citizenship status, age, and number of years employed at NC State. Statistically significant differences (p>.05) between groups (e.g., between women and men) are noted with an asterisk (*). For exact question wording for this section, click here.

To download an MS Word document with Section N: Conclusions/Overall Satisfaction results by college, academic profile, and demographic profile, click here.

Table of Contents | Annotated Questionnaire | Section N by College | Section N by Academic Profile

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department

  Mean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
Total(N) 3.1 31.8 46.5 17.3 4.3 1027

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department
Gender* Mean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... Female 2.9 24.1 49.2 20.1 6.7 299
..... Male 3.1 35.0 45.5 16.2 3.3 728

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... African American 2.8 19.0 50.0 21.4 9.5 42
..... Asian 2.9 24.3 45.9 23.0 6.8 74
..... Hispanic 2.8 27.3 40.9 18.2 13.6 22
..... White 3.1 33.2 46.6 16.6 3.6 886

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
... US Citizen 3.0 31.3 46.6 17.7 4.4 863
.... Resident Alien 3.1 34.1 46.5 14.7 4.7 129
..... NonRes Alien 3.2 37.1 45.7 17.1 . 35

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department
AgeMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... 39 and under 3.0 28.6 48.8 20.2 2.5 203
..... 40 to 55 3.0 30.7 47.3 17.8 4.2 499
..... 56 and over 3.1 35.7 44.0 14.8 5.5 325

N1: Satisfaction with your "fit" in department
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.1 32.3 44.9 18.7 4.1 294
.... 7-15 3.0 30.0 47.0 20.6 2.4 287
..... 16-25 3.0 31.9 46.9 15.4 5.9 273
...... 26 or more 3.1 34.1 48.0 12.7 5.2 173
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N2: I generally feel valued in my department

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.1 34.4 44.7 14.8 6.1 1027

N2: I generally feel valued in my department
Gender* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 2.9 28.8 44.8 15.7 10.7 299
..... Male 3.1 36.7 44.6 14.4 4.3 728

N2: I generally feel valued in my department
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 2.8 23.3 48.8 14.0 14.0 43
..... Asian 3.0 28.8 46.6 17.8 6.8 73
..... Hispanic 2.9 27.3 50.0 9.1 13.6 22
..... White 3.1 35.7 44.1 14.7 5.5 886

N2: I generally feel valued in my department
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.1 33.7 44.8 15.2 6.4 864
.... Resident Alien 3.1 37.5 42.2 14.1 6.3 128
..... NonRes Alien 3.3 40.0 51.4 8.6 . 35

N2: I generally feel valued in my department
AgeMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.0 30.9 46.6 17.6 4.9 204
..... 40 to 55 3.1 33.5 45.3 14.8 6.4 499
..... 56 and over 3.1 38.0 42.6 13.0 6.5 324

N2: I generally feel valued in my department
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.0 32.1 45.6 16.6 5.7 296
.... 7-15 3.1 34.3 44.4 15.0 6.3 286
..... 16-25 3.1 35.3 44.1 14.3 6.3 272
...... 26 or more 3.1 37.0 44.5 12.1 6.4 173
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N3a: I am treated with respect by my students

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.6 58.0 40.1 1.5 0.4 1019

N3a: I am treated with respect by my students
GenderMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 3.6 61.6 38.0 . 0.3 297
..... Male 3.5 56.5 41.0 2.1 0.4 722

N3a: I am treated with respect by my students
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 3.4 41.9 58.1 . . 43
..... Asian 3.5 56.9 40.3 2.8 . 72
..... Hispanic 3.6 63.6 36.4 . . 22
..... White 3.6 58.7 39.4 1.5 0.5 879

N3a: I am treated with respect by my students
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.6 57.9 40.4 1.3 0.5 857
.... Resident Alien 3.6 60.9 36.7 2.3 . 128
..... NonRes Alien 3.5 50.0 47.1 2.9 . 34

N3a: I am treated with respect by my students
Age* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.5 52.0 44.1 3.5 0.5 202
..... 40 to 55 3.5 57.0 41.2 1.4 0.4 495
..... 56 and over 3.6 63.4 36.0 0.3 0.3 322

N3a: I am treated with respect by my students
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.5 54.6 42.3 2.4 0.7 293
.... 7-15 3.5 55.6 41.9 2.1 0.4 284
..... 16-25 3.6 58.7 40.5 0.7 . 269
...... 26 or more 3.7 66.5 32.9 . 0.6 173
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N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.6 61.9 35.0 2.2 0.9 1028

N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff
GenderMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 3.6 62.8 33.2 2.7 1.3 301
..... Male 3.6 61.5 35.8 2.1 0.7 727

N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 3.6 62.8 37.2 . . 43
..... Asian 3.4 46.6 50.7 2.7 . 73
..... Hispanic 3.5 59.1 36.4 4.5 . 22
..... White 3.6 63.1 33.7 2.1 1.0 887

N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.6 62.4 34.3 2.2 1.0 865
.... Resident Alien 3.6 58.6 39.8 1.6 . 128
..... NonRes Alien 3.5 60.0 34.3 5.7 . 35

N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff
AgeMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.5 58.3 36.3 3.9 1.5 204
..... 40 to 55 3.6 61.9 35.1 2.2 0.8 499
..... 56 and over 3.6 64.0 34.2 1.2 0.6 325

N3b: I am treated with respect by dept support staff
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.5 60.3 34.2 3.7 1.7 295
.... 7-15 3.5 59.2 36.9 3.1 0.7 287
..... 16-25 3.6 64.8 34.4 0.7 . 273
...... 26 or more 3.6 64.2 34.1 0.6 1.2 173
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N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.3 43.9 46.3 8.8 1.1 1027

N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept
Gender* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 3.2 41.0 43.0 14.3 1.7 300
..... Male 3.4 45.1 47.6 6.5 0.8 727

N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 3.4 39.5 58.1 2.3 . 43
..... Asian 3.2 34.2 57.5 6.8 1.4 73
..... Hispanic 3.0 31.8 40.9 27.3 . 22
..... White 3.3 45.3 44.9 8.7 1.1 886

N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.3 44.0 45.8 9.1 1.0 864
.... Resident Alien 3.3 44.5 46.1 7.8 1.6 128
..... NonRes Alien 3.4 40.0 57.1 2.9 . 35

N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept
AgeMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.3 40.7 47.1 10.8 1.5 204
..... 40 to 55 3.3 42.7 45.7 10.4 1.2 499
..... 56 and over 3.4 47.8 46.6 4.9 0.6 324

N3c: I am treated with respect faculty in my dept
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.3 41.7 45.8 11.2 1.4 295
.... 7-15 3.3 43.7 45.1 10.1 1.0 286
..... 16-25 3.3 43.2 48.4 7.3 1.1 273
...... 26 or more 3.4 49.1 45.7 4.6 0.6 173
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N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.1 29.1 53.2 12.6 5.1 1004

N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators
GenderMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 3.1 32.4 48.6 15.2 3.8 290
..... Male 3.0 27.7 55.0 11.6 5.6 714

N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 3.2 41.5 43.9 7.3 7.3 41
..... Asian 3.0 25.7 55.7 15.7 2.9 70
..... Hispanic 3.2 38.1 47.6 14.3 . 21
..... White 3.1 28.5 53.6 12.5 5.3 869

N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.0 28.7 52.5 13.1 5.7 849
.... Resident Alien 3.2 32.2 53.7 11.6 2.5 121
..... NonRes Alien 3.2 26.5 67.6 5.9 . 34

N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators
Age* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.2 32.2 57.3 6.0 4.5 199
..... 40 to 55 3.0 28.2 50.6 15.5 5.7 490
..... 56 and over 3.1 28.6 54.6 12.4 4.4 315

N3d: I am treated with respect by NCSU administrators
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.1 32.2 54.3 9.0 4.5 289
.... 7-15 3.0 26.1 53.6 13.6 6.8 280
..... 16-25 3.1 28.6 52.0 15.2 4.1 269
...... 26 or more 3.1 29.5 52.4 13.3 4.8 166
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N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work

  Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
Total(N) 3.1 35.1 47.8 13.6 3.4 1016

N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work
Gender* Mean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... Female 3.0 31.8 44.6 19.3 4.4 296
..... Male 3.2 36.5 49.2 11.3 3.1 720

N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... African American 3.0 26.8 53.7 14.6 4.9 41
..... Asian 3.1 31.1 51.4 10.8 6.8 74
..... Hispanic 3.0 33.3 42.9 14.3 9.5 21
..... White 3.2 36.0 47.3 13.7 3.0 877

N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... US Citizen 3.1 35.0 47.3 14.4 3.3 854
.... Resident Alien 3.2 35.4 50.4 8.7 5.5 127
..... NonRes Alien 3.3 37.1 51.4 11.4 . 35

N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work
AgeMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
..... 39 and under 3.1 31.5 49.5 16.5 2.5 200
..... 40 to 55 3.1 34.1 48.9 13.9 3.0 495
..... 56 and over 3.2 38.9 45.2 11.2 4.7 321

N4: I would recommend my department as a good place to work
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Strongly
agree (%)
3: Agree (%)
2: Disagree (%) 1: Strongly
disagree (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.1 34.1 47.8 14.3 3.8 293
.... 7-15 3.1 34.4 48.2 14.5 2.8 282
..... 16-25 3.1 34.6 48.2 14.3 2.9 272
...... 26 or more 3.2 39.1 46.7 9.5 4.7 169
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N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.6 24.4 32.3 18.8 24.5 880

N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.9 34.3 35.1 14.2 16.3 239
..... Male 2.5 20.7 31.2 20.4 27.6 641

N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.6 18.9 40.5 21.6 18.9 37
..... Asian 2.7 26.7 36.7 16.7 20.0 60
..... Hispanic 3.2 52.6 15.8 26.3 5.3 19
..... White 2.5 23.9 32.0 18.5 25.6 762

N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.5 23.4 32.4 18.7 25.4 747
.... Resident Alien 2.7 29.6 29.6 19.4 21.3 108
..... NonRes Alien 2.9 32.0 40.0 16.0 12.0 25

N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 3.1 35.4 39.8 19.9 5.0 181
..... 40 to 55 2.7 27.6 33.3 18.3 20.8 427
..... 56 and over 2.1 12.1 25.7 18.8 43.4 272

N5a: Amount of stress due to reappointment, promotion or tenure
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 3.0 34.4 39.6 15.6 10.4 250
.... 7-15 2.7 26.4 35.2 21.6 16.8 250
..... 16-25 2.3 19.1 27.2 18.3 35.3 235
...... 26 or more 2.0 12.4 22.8 20.0 44.8 145
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N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.9 34.0 38.1 16.5 11.5 942

N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 3.1 45.7 30.0 15.8 8.5 247
..... Male 2.9 29.8 41.0 16.7 12.5 695

N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 3.0 45.0 25.0 10.0 20.0 40
..... Asian 3.1 38.0 38.0 18.3 5.6 71
..... Hispanic 3.2 42.9 33.3 23.8 . 21
..... White 2.9 32.7 39.0 16.5 11.8 807

N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.9 32.4 38.5 16.8 12.3 787
.... Resident Alien 3.0 37.7 37.7 16.4 8.2 122
..... NonRes Alien 3.4 57.6 30.3 9.1 3.0 33

N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 3.2 47.3 31.5 14.1 7.1 184
..... 40 to 55 3.1 36.8 40.7 13.6 9.0 457
..... 56 and over 2.6 21.6 38.2 22.3 17.9 301

N5b: Amount of stress from research/publication demands
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 3.1 44.0 31.6 15.4 9.0 266
.... 7-15 3.0 35.0 39.8 15.7 9.4 254
..... 16-25 2.9 31.9 41.7 14.2 12.2 254
...... 26 or more 2.6 19.6 40.5 22.6 17.3 168
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N5c: Amount of stress from professional development

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.3 12.6 35.6 25.5 26.3 977

N5c: Amount of stress from professional development
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.5 16.4 39.1 19.7 24.8 274
..... Male 2.3 11.1 34.3 27.7 26.9 703

N5c: Amount of stress from professional development
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.5 24.4 29.3 22.0 24.4 41
..... Asian 2.6 17.6 38.2 29.4 14.7 68
..... Hispanic 2.3 19.0 19.0 38.1 23.8 21
..... White 2.3 11.5 36.0 25.1 27.4 844

N5c: Amount of stress from professional development
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.3 11.5 35.6 25.5 27.4 825
.... Resident Alien 2.5 17.5 35.0 26.7 20.8 120
..... NonRes Alien 2.6 21.9 37.5 21.9 18.8 32

N5c: Amount of stress from professional development
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.6 21.4 36.7 23.5 18.4 196
..... 40 to 55 2.4 12.5 38.1 24.9 24.5 473
..... 56 and over 2.1 7.1 31.2 27.6 34.1 308

N5c: Amount of stress from professional development
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.5 17.4 37.7 22.4 22.4 281
.... 7-15 2.3 10.4 34.8 27.8 27.0 270
..... 16-25 2.4 12.7 36.7 23.9 26.6 259
...... 26 or more 2.2 7.8 31.7 29.3 31.1 167
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N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.7 23.7 34.9 25.8 15.5 953

N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.6 23.2 33.3 27.7 15.7 267
..... Male 2.7 23.9 35.6 25.1 15.5 686

N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.3 12.5 32.5 30.0 25.0 40
..... Asian 2.6 12.9 45.2 27.4 14.5 62
..... Hispanic 2.5 19.0 28.6 33.3 19.0 21
..... White 2.7 25.2 34.5 25.4 15.0 827

N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.7 24.4 34.0 25.9 15.7 807
.... Resident Alien 2.7 21.4 38.5 24.8 15.4 117
..... NonRes Alien 2.7 13.8 48.3 27.6 10.3 29

N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.5 15.3 34.7 35.8 14.2 190
..... 40 to 55 2.7 25.9 37.6 21.3 15.2 460
..... 56 and over 2.7 25.7 31.0 26.4 16.8 303

N5d: Amount of stress from institutional procedures
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.6 21.4 28.9 33.5 16.2 266
.... 7-15 2.6 20.5 39.2 22.8 17.5 268
..... 16-25 2.8 28.9 36.8 22.1 12.3 253
...... 26 or more 2.7 24.7 34.9 24.1 16.3 166
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N5e: Amount of stress from committee work

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.5 15.8 34.5 33.6 16.1 980

N5e: Amount of stress from committee work
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.5 20.0 32.7 26.9 20.4 275
..... Male 2.5 14.2 35.2 36.2 14.5 705

N5e: Amount of stress from committee work
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.6 26.2 28.6 21.4 23.8 42
..... Asian 2.3 2.9 42.0 37.7 17.4 69
..... Hispanic 2.7 23.8 23.8 52.4 . 21
..... White 2.5 16.1 34.6 33.4 16.0 845

N5e: Amount of stress from committee work
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.5 16.4 35.7 31.5 16.3 828
.... Resident Alien 2.4 13.1 27.9 42.6 16.4 122
..... NonRes Alien 2.4 10.0 26.7 53.3 10.0 30

N5e: Amount of stress from committee work
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.4 11.9 29.4 41.8 17.0 194
..... 40 to 55 2.6 16.7 38.3 31.8 13.1 472
..... 56 and over 2.5 16.9 31.8 31.2 20.1 314

N5e: Amount of stress from committee work
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.3 11.7 28.1 42.3 17.9 274
.... 7-15 2.5 15.5 39.1 30.3 15.1 271
..... 16-25 2.6 19.7 37.1 29.2 14.0 264
...... 26 or more 2.5 17.0 33.3 31.6 18.1 171
Back to top

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 1.9 3.7 19.4 37.1 39.8 1009

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.0 5.2 25.2 34.5 35.2 290
..... Male 1.8 3.1 17.1 38.1 41.7 719

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.0 9.3 23.3 27.9 39.5 43
..... Asian 2.0 8.5 18.3 38.0 35.2 71
..... Hispanic 2.0 4.5 31.8 22.7 40.9 22
..... White 1.8 2.9 19.1 37.8 40.2 870

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 1.8 3.3 18.7 37.5 40.5 849
.... Resident Alien 1.9 4.8 19.8 36.5 38.9 126
..... NonRes Alien 2.3 8.8 35.3 29.4 26.5 34

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.1 5.9 26.6 37.4 30.0 203
..... 40 to 55 1.9 3.5 22.4 35.5 38.6 487
..... 56 and over 1.7 2.5 10.3 39.2 48.0 319

N5f: Amount of stress from relationships with students
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.0 3.8 25.3 35.3 35.6 292
.... 7-15 1.9 3.6 21.9 37.4 37.1 278
..... 16-25 1.9 4.1 16.8 39.6 39.6 268
...... 26 or more 1.6 2.9 9.4 35.7 52.0 171
Back to top

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.1 9.8 24.3 36.4 29.4 1016

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.3 15.2 26.3 34.0 24.6 297
..... Male 2.1 7.6 23.5 37.4 31.4 719

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.0 4.7 32.6 25.6 37.2 43
..... Asian 2.1 8.5 16.9 47.9 26.8 71
..... Hispanic 2.6 27.3 31.8 13.6 27.3 22
..... White 2.1 9.8 24.3 36.6 29.3 877

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.2 10.0 24.9 35.6 29.4 856
.... Resident Alien 2.1 8.7 21.4 40.5 29.4 126
..... NonRes Alien 2.1 8.8 20.6 41.2 29.4 34

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.3 12.8 28.1 34.5 24.6 203
..... 40 to 55 2.2 11.0 25.0 36.8 27.2 492
..... 56 and over 2.0 6.2 20.9 37.1 35.8 321

N5g: Amount of stress from relationships with faculty in dept
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.3 11.2 29.6 32.7 26.5 294
.... 7-15 2.2 11.0 23.0 37.5 28.6 283
..... 16-25 2.1 9.3 23.8 39.0 27.9 269
...... 26 or more 1.9 6.5 18.2 37.1 38.2 170
Back to top

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.1 13.3 23.4 26.6 36.7 1008

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.2 15.8 26.5 23.7 34.0 291
..... Male 2.1 12.3 22.2 27.8 37.8 717

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.2 18.6 25.6 11.6 44.2 43
..... Asian 2.2 16.7 19.4 27.8 36.1 72
..... Hispanic 2.5 22.7 18.2 40.9 18.2 22
..... White 2.1 12.4 23.8 26.7 37.0 868

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.1 13.1 23.8 25.9 37.1 848
.... Resident Alien 2.2 14.3 24.6 27.8 33.3 126
..... NonRes Alien 2.0 14.7 8.8 38.2 38.2 34

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin
AgeMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.2 12.3 26.6 26.1 35.0 203
..... 40 to 55 2.2 15.4 22.7 25.8 36.1 488
..... 56 and over 2.1 10.7 22.4 28.1 38.8 317

N5h: Amount of stress from relationships w/dept admin
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.2 14.8 25.1 22.7 37.5 291
.... 7-15 2.2 13.0 24.2 28.9 33.9 277
..... 16-25 2.1 14.1 20.4 27.9 37.5 269
...... 26 or more 2.1 9.9 24.0 27.5 38.6 171
Back to top

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.1 9.6 23.8 29.1 37.4 940

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.0 8.8 22.9 24.4 43.9 262
..... Male 2.1 9.9 24.2 31.0 35.0 678

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 1.8 12.2 12.2 17.1 58.5 41
..... Asian 1.7 3.3 15.0 28.3 53.3 60
..... Hispanic 2.0 14.3 9.5 33.3 42.9 21
..... White 2.1 9.8 25.3 29.7 35.2 815

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.1 9.8 24.6 28.9 36.7 796
.... Resident Alien 2.0 9.6 20.2 28.1 42.1 114
..... NonRes Alien 1.8 3.3 16.7 40.0 40.0 30

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 1.8 4.9 17.6 28.6 48.9 182
..... 40 to 55 2.1 10.5 24.0 29.6 35.9 459
..... 56 and over 2.2 11.0 27.4 28.8 32.8 299

N5i: Amount of stress from relationships w/college admin
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 1.8 6.3 19.0 27.5 47.2 269
.... 7-15 2.1 10.6 25.1 27.5 36.9 255
..... 16-25 2.2 10.2 26.6 32.8 30.5 256
...... 26 or more 2.2 12.5 25.6 28.8 33.1 160
Back to top

N5j: Amount of stress from workload

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 3.0 36.9 36.3 18.5 8.2 1021

N5j: Amount of stress from workload
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 3.2 40.8 39.1 14.4 5.7 299
..... Male 3.0 35.3 35.2 20.2 9.3 722

N5j: Amount of stress from workload
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.8 27.9 39.5 16.3 16.3 43
..... Asian 2.8 27.8 40.3 16.7 15.3 72
..... Hispanic 3.0 36.4 36.4 18.2 9.1 22
..... White 3.0 38.0 36.0 18.7 7.3 881

N5j: Amount of stress from workload
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 3.0 36.5 36.5 18.6 8.4 860
.... Resident Alien 3.0 38.9 33.3 19.8 7.9 126
..... NonRes Alien 3.2 40.0 42.9 11.4 5.7 35

N5j: Amount of stress from workload
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 3.2 42.6 36.3 16.2 4.9 204
..... 40 to 55 3.1 40.6 39.0 14.3 6.1 495
..... 56 and over 2.7 27.6 32.3 26.4 13.7 322

N5j: Amount of stress from workload
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 3.1 39.2 36.9 15.4 8.5 293
.... 7-15 3.1 38.8 36.4 17.1 7.7 286
..... 16-25 3.1 38.9 35.9 18.9 6.3 270
...... 26 or more 2.8 26.7 36.0 25.6 11.6 172
Back to top

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 3.0 34.4 36.6 20.0 8.9 1018

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance
Gender* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 3.1 40.1 37.8 18.4 3.7 299
..... Male 2.9 32.0 36.2 20.7 11.1 719

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 3.0 42.9 23.8 19.0 14.3 42
..... Asian 2.9 26.4 48.6 16.7 8.3 72
..... Hispanic 3.1 45.5 27.3 18.2 9.1 22
..... White 3.0 34.2 36.5 20.5 8.8 879

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 3.0 34.2 36.1 20.2 9.5 856
.... Resident Alien 3.0 34.6 38.6 20.5 6.3 127
..... NonRes Alien 3.1 37.1 42.9 14.3 5.7 35

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 3.2 44.1 38.2 14.2 3.4 204
..... 40 to 55 3.1 37.4 38.7 17.2 6.7 494
..... 56 and over 2.6 23.4 32.5 28.1 15.9 320

N5k: Amount of stress from work/personal life balance
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 3.1 41.0 36.9 16.0 6.1 293
.... 7-15 3.0 35.7 38.1 17.8 8.4 286
..... 16-25 2.9 31.5 37.4 21.9 9.3 270
...... 26 or more 2.7 25.4 32.5 27.8 14.2 169
Back to top

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.6 15.6 39.1 33.1 12.2 974

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.7 18.2 38.8 33.6 9.4 286
..... Male 2.5 14.5 39.2 32.8 13.4 688

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.4 14.3 33.3 31.0 21.4 42
..... Asian 2.9 27.9 44.1 20.6 7.4 68
..... Hispanic 2.7 19.0 42.9 28.6 9.5 21
..... White 2.6 14.4 38.9 34.4 12.3 840

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.5 14.3 38.3 34.6 12.7 824
.... Resident Alien 2.8 22.9 44.1 24.6 8.5 118
..... NonRes Alien 2.7 21.9 40.6 25.0 12.5 32

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.8 21.1 40.7 32.7 5.5 199
..... 40 to 55 2.6 15.6 41.7 30.6 12.2 468
..... 56 and over 2.4 12.1 34.2 37.1 16.6 307

N5l: Amount of stress from working with under-prepared students
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.7 17.7 42.6 31.9 7.8 282
.... 7-15 2.6 17.7 38.4 33.2 10.7 271
..... 16-25 2.5 14.0 35.8 33.1 17.1 257
...... 26 or more 2.5 11.0 39.6 34.8 14.6 164
Back to top

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.2 8.0 29.9 39.2 22.8 999

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.2 7.8 28.0 37.6 26.6 282
..... Male 2.3 8.1 30.7 39.9 21.3 717

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 2.1 7.1 26.2 38.1 28.6 42
..... Asian 2.3 6.9 29.2 47.2 16.7 72
..... Hispanic 2.1 9.1 13.6 54.5 22.7 22
..... White 2.2 8.1 30.5 38.3 23.1 860

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.2 7.6 31.3 37.7 23.3 840
.... Resident Alien 2.2 11.1 20.6 47.6 20.6 126
..... NonRes Alien 2.2 6.1 30.3 45.5 18.2 33

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities
AgeMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.2 7.1 30.6 41.8 20.4 196
..... 40 to 55 2.3 8.2 30.3 40.0 21.4 485
..... 56 and over 2.2 8.2 28.9 36.5 26.4 318

N5m: Amount of stress from self-assessment activities
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.3 10.0 30.0 38.2 21.8 280
.... 7-15 2.2 6.8 26.1 43.2 23.9 280
..... 16-25 2.3 6.7 34.5 37.8 21.0 267
...... 26 or more 2.2 8.7 29.1 36.6 25.6 172
Back to top

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements

  Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

Total(N) 2.3 14.2 29.1 33.7 23.0 895

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements
GenderMean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... Female 2.3 12.6 28.7 31.6 27.1 247
..... Male 2.4 14.8 29.2 34.6 21.5 648

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... African American 1.9 2.6 31.6 23.7 42.1 38
..... Asian 2.2 6.5 29.0 43.5 21.0 62
..... Hispanic 2.1 9.5 19.0 42.9 28.6 21
..... White 2.4 15.5 29.1 33.2 22.2 772

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements
Citizenship Status* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... US Citizen 2.4 15.6 29.7 32.4 22.3 757
.... Resident Alien 2.1 5.5 28.2 38.2 28.2 110
..... NonRes Alien 2.1 10.7 14.3 53.6 21.4 28

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements
Age* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

..... 39 and under 2.1 8.8 22.8 41.5 26.9 171
..... 40 to 55 2.4 14.0 31.3 32.0 22.8 435
..... 56 and over 2.4 17.6 29.4 31.8 21.1 289

N5n: Amount of stress from program assessment requirements
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating 4: A great
deal (%)

3: Some (%)

2: A little (%)

1: None at
all (%)

... 6 or fewer 2.2 9.6 25.8 38.8 25.8 240
.... 7-15 2.3 12.2 28.7 36.2 22.8 254
..... 16-25 2.5 17.1 31.7 30.9 20.3 246
...... 26 or more 2.5 20.0 30.3 26.5 23.2 155
Back to top

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU

  Mean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
Total(N) 2.9 16.2 61.8 19.6 2.4 1023

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU
GenderMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... Female 2.9 16.5 58.2 22.2 3.0 297
..... Male 2.9 16.1 63.2 18.5 2.2 726

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU
Race/EthnicityMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... African American 2.8 19.0 52.4 19.0 9.5 42
..... Asian 2.9 15.3 59.7 22.2 2.8 72
..... Hispanic 2.8 13.6 54.5 27.3 4.5 22
..... White 2.9 16.3 62.7 19.0 2.0 884

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU
Citizenship StatusMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
... US Citizen 2.9 16.3 61.5 19.8 2.4 860
.... Resident Alien 2.9 15.6 61.7 19.5 3.1 128
..... NonRes Alien 3.0 17.1 68.6 14.3 . 35

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU
AgeMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
..... 39 and under 2.9 16.3 62.1 20.2 1.5 203
..... 40 to 55 2.9 14.5 60.1 23.0 2.4 496
..... 56 and over 3.0 18.8 64.2 13.9 3.1 324

N6: Overall satisfaction with NCSU
Number of years employed at NCSUMean Rating 4: Very
Satisfied (%)
3: Satisfied (%)
2: Dissatisfied (%)
1: Very
dissatisfied (%)
... 6 or fewer 2.9 19.7 58.3 19.3 2.7 295
.... 7-15 2.9 15.1 61.4 22.1 1.4 285
..... 16-25 2.9 11.5 65.9 19.3 3.3 270
...... 26 or more 3.0 19.7 61.8 16.2 2.3 173
Back to top

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago

  Mean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
Total(N) 3.0 9.2 32.6 23.8 23.0 11.5 1023

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago
GenderMean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
..... Female 3.1 10.1 36.0 22.2 18.5 13.1 297
..... Male 3.0 8.8 31.1 24.4 24.8 10.9 726

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago
Race/Ethnicity* Mean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
..... African American 3.2 14.0 25.6 34.9 16.3 9.3 43
..... Asian 3.0 7.0 32.4 26.8 25.4 8.5 71
..... Hispanic 3.5 31.8 13.6 27.3 22.7 4.5 22
..... White 3.0 8.6 33.5 23.0 23.0 12.0 884

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago
Citizenship StatusMean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
... US Citizen 3.0 8.8 32.6 22.8 23.6 12.2 864
.... Resident Alien 3.1 10.3 32.5 26.2 21.4 9.5 126
..... NonRes Alien 3.4 15.2 30.3 39.4 12.1 3.0 33

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago
Age* Mean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
..... 39 and under 3.2 11.0 33.0 31.0 16.5 8.5 200
..... 40 to 55 3.1 9.8 34.9 19.5 22.7 13.1 498
..... 56 and over 2.9 7.1 28.6 25.8 27.4 11.1 325

N7: More or less satisfied with NC State, compared to 5 yrs ago
Number of years employed at NCSU* Mean Rating A lot
more satisfied
now (%)
more satisfied
now (%)
more or less
now (%)
less satisfied
now (%)
A lot less
now (%)
... 6 or fewer 3.2 11.6 32.9 28.8 15.4 11.3 292
.... 7-15 3.1 10.5 35.8 19.3 24.6 9.8 285
..... 16-25 2.9 6.2 33.7 20.9 27.1 12.1 273
...... 26 or more 2.9 7.5 24.9 27.2 26.6 13.9 173
Back to top

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university

  No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
Total(N) 19.7 19.8 28.3 32.1 1024

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university
Gender No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... Female 22.6 16.8 25.3 35.4 297
..... Male 18.6 21.0 29.6 30.8 727

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university
Race/Ethnicity No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... African American 16.7 16.7 35.7 31.0 42
..... Asian 24.3 23.0 32.4 20.3 74
..... Hispanic 22.7 4.5 31.8 40.9 22
..... White 19.5 20.0 27.6 32.8 883

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university
Citizenship Status No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
... US Citizen 18.9 19.7 28.2 33.2 862
.... Resident Alien 20.5 19.7 29.9 29.9 127
..... NonRes Alien 37.1 22.9 25.7 14.3 35

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university
Age* No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... 39 and under 24.0 23.0 28.5 24.5 200
..... 40 to 55 15.8 17.2 28.5 38.5 499
..... 56 and over 23.1 21.8 28.0 27.1 325

N8: Ever considered leaving NC State for another university
Number of years employed at NCSU* No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
... 6 or fewer 29.0 20.8 24.9 25.3 293
.... 7-15 17.5 17.1 29.0 36.4 286
..... 16-25 12.5 19.1 30.5 37.9 272
...... 26 or more 19.1 23.7 29.5 27.7 173
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N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State

  No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
Total(N) 47.5 25.0 16.1 11.4 1022

N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State
Gender No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... Female 43.9 25.0 17.9 13.2 296
..... Male 48.9 25.1 15.4 10.6 726

N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State
Race/Ethnicity No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... African American 50.0 19.0 16.7 14.3 42
..... Asian 67.6 17.6 9.5 5.4 74
..... Hispanic 57.1 19.0 9.5 14.3 21
..... White 45.5 26.2 16.9 11.5 882

N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State
Citizenship Status* No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
... US Citizen 45.7 25.1 17.4 11.7 860
.... Resident Alien 57.5 21.3 11.8 9.4 127
..... NonRes Alien 54.3 37.1 . 8.6 35

N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State
Age* No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
..... 39 and under 43.3 29.6 16.3 10.8 203
..... 40 to 55 44.2 24.0 17.0 14.7 495
..... 56 and over 54.9 23.8 14.8 6.5 324

N10: Ever considered leaving academe, since coming to NC State
Number of years employed at NCSU* No - never
leaving (%)
Yes - not
very seriously (%)
Yes - somewhat
seriously (%)
Yes - very
seriously (%)
... 6 or fewer 53.4 24.5 13.3 8.8 294
.... 7-15 43.3 26.8 19.4 10.6 284
..... 16-25 42.6 23.5 15.4 18.4 272
...... 26 or more 51.7 25.6 16.9 5.8 172
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View These Results by College

View These Results by Academic Profile

To download an MS Word document with Section N: Conclusions/Overall Satisfaction results by college, academic profile, and demographic profile, click here.

For more information on the NC State University 2006 Faculty Well-Being Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: January, 2007

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