North Carolina State University
SACS Compliance Certification
August 15, 2003

Comprehensive Standards: Educational Programs 3.4.8 (academic credit for noncredit work)
The institution awards academic credit for course work taken on a noncredit basis only when there is documentation that the noncredit course work is equivalent to a designated credit experience.

North Carolina State University is in compliance with this standard.

The university only awards academic credit for experiential learning or other non-credit coursework when it has been validated through the Credit by Examination process.  This rule applies to both on-campus and distance education students. 

Undergraduates seeking credit must initiate the process by contacting their academic advisers.  Should the adviser approve the request, the student then arranges for an examination with the department offering the course.  After the examination is completed, the department grades it and determines what credit, if any, the student will receive. 

A graduate student seeking credit by examination, however, must satisfy several additional conditions.  First, the student’s Plan of Graduate Work must require him or her to take a course that is not currently being taught as indicated by the Graduate Catalog or as per agreements with outside agencies.  Second, the student must not have previously registered for the course, either for credit or audit.  Third, only one examination for credit is permitted for a course.  In addition, both the Graduate School and the departmental Director of Graduate Programs must approve the graduate student’s request for credit by examination.  Further, appropriate faculty must prepare and supervise the examination.  Finally, the student will only receive credit if his or her performance is equivalent to a “B” grade or higher.    

Departments may administer examinations in any appropriate manner, given the nature of the course.  The university allows departments to offer credit examinations for any course, but departments are allowed to exclude those courses that are clearly unsuited for credit by examination. 

Academic standards for credit by examination are commensurate with the academic standards for the course.

Supplementary Information
For more information on the credit by examination policy and/or credit for transfer courses, see Comprehensive Standards: Educational Programs #4.


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