North Carolina State University
SACS Compliance Certification
August 15, 2003

Comprehensive Standards: Institutional Mission, Governance, and Effectiveness 3.2.7 (organizational structure)
The institution has a clearly defined and published organizational structure that delineates responsibility for the administration of policies.

North Carolina State University is in compliance with this standard.

NC State University’s organizational structure is illustrated on the Web in an organizational chart, which shows the lines of authority linking the chancellor with subordinate administrators. 

The chancellor provides leadership in the administration of policy and each of the vice chancellors and the director of athletics report to the chancellor.  Each vice chancellor is responsible for one of the university’s primary missions (teaching, research, or extension and engagement) or for a major functional area (student affairs, finance and business, legal affairs, university advancement).

The university’s organizational chart provides details below the level of vice chancellor only for academic units.  Organizational charts for vice chancellors are posted on the Web and are accessible via the following links:

The vice chancellors and the athletics director are responsible for administering the policies of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees in their individual areas. The Policies, Regulations, and Rules website includes information about policies and regulations in each area.


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