North Carolina State University
SACS Compliance Certification
August 15, 2003

Core Requirements 2.3 (chief executive officer)
The institution has a chief executive officer whose primary responsibility is to the institution and who is not the presiding officer of the board. 

North Carolina State University is in compliance with this requirement.

The chief executive officer of NC State University is the chancellor, whose authority is described in Board of Governors policy as “complete executive authority” and administration of the institution subject to the direction of the president of the University of North Carolina system and to the policies of the UNC Board of Governors and the NC State University Board of Trustees.  The chancellor’s authority is further elaborated in Board of Trustees policy 01.20.1

As a senior administrative officer, Exempt from the State Personnel Act, the chancellor may not engage in external, professional activities for pay, such as consulting or serving on boards, if those activities create a conflict of commitment or conflict of interest interfering with the chancellor’s responsibilities to the university.  This conflict of interest policy is spelled out on both the campus and system-wide levels.

The chancellor is elected by the UNC Board of Governors and is advised by the NC State University Board of Trustees.  However, the chancellor serves on neither board.


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Last Modified: Monday, 30-Jun-03 09:52:12