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North Carolina State University
2012 Incoming Freshmen Survey:
Rank Ordering of Goal Development and Importance

Goals Rank Order:
Current level of development/Goal importance
All Women Men AsianAm BlackAfAm Hispanic White Other
Potential for success 1_ 1 1_ 2 1_ 1 9_ 3 3_ 1 2_ 1 1_ 1 4_ 2
Taking responsibility for my own behavior 2_ 3 2_ 4 2_ 3 7_ 7 1_ 4 3_ 4 2_ 3 2_ 3
Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds 3_11 3_10 3_15 1_ 6 2_ 4 1_ 8 3_12 1_ 8
Working effectively as part of a team 4_ 6 6_ 7 6_ 5 10_11 9_12 11_11 4_ 6 13_ 7
Sensitivity to issues associated with racial equity 5_25 5_20 8_27 3_23 5_16 4_16 9_25 3_22
Recognizing and acting on ethical principles 6_13 6_13 8_16 4_14 6_15 6_ 6 5_14 12_14
Experiencing personal growth 7_ 5 9_ 5 7_ 4 11_ 2 11_ 3 10_ 1 6_ 5 7_ 5
Listening attentively 8_ 8 9_ 7 10_ 9 14_ 9 15_ 7 7_ 5 6_ 8 14_ 6
Using technology appropriately 9_16 14_22 4_12 4_12 12_20 14_15 10_15 10_27
Ability to plan/carry out projects independently 9_11 4_11 17_12 17_15 13_11 13_14 8_11 10_10
Creating and being open to new and worthwhile ideas and perspectives 9_17 12_16 10_20 13_ 9 8_20 11_19 11_18 6_18
Sensitivity to issues associated with gender equity 9_28 8_27 13_30 7_27 7_27 9_26 12_29 7_30
Understanding/respecting diverse cultures, values, and perspectives 13_17 11_14 13_24 2_12 4_ 8 5_12 14_20 5_15
Appreciating differences in sexual orientation 14_33 13_31 23_33 6_30 10_30 8_32 18_33 9_32
Using mathematical skills 14_15 20_25 5_ 8 11_23 20_26 19_18 13_15 15_18
Comprehending written and oral information 16_ 9 15_ 7 15_11 20_ 3 16_13 16_ 9 15_ 8 17_ 8
Finding information using technology and evaluating it 16_23 17_23 12_18 15_20 14_22 15_20 16_22 15_25
Developing leadership skills 18_10 16_11 21_10 31_15 19_10 17_12 19_10 18_10
Developing and sustaining active and healthy lifestyle 19_ 6 19_ 6 16_ 6 28_ 3 31_ 8 23_10 17_ 6 21_10
Ability to reflect, review, self-regulate, and self-examine 20_22 18_21 23_22 24_20 16_17 22_22 20_23 24_15
Effectively analyzing/evaluating evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs 21_27 24_30 18_25 23_29 24_31 17_27 21_26 22_27
Identifying a problem/concept and articulating its components 22_24 23_25 20_20 22_26 27_23 21_24 21_23 19_23
Understanding the commonality of human problems globally 23_26 25_28 26_25 16_25 23_28 20_28 25_26 20_27
Understanding the present as it relates to historical events 24_30 30_32 19_29 25_34 22_31 25_33 23_30 23_31
Viewing failure as an opportunity to learn 25_13 29_15 23_14 21_15 18_14 30_16 26_13 27_15
Solving real world problems in ways that demonstrate imagination/creativity 25_19 26_19 28_17 27_22 29_23 28_25 23_17 24_18
Creating/distributing information using multiple communication forms 27_34 28_34 30_33 19_35 25_33 29_33 28_34 28_34
Understanding issues and problems facing the world 28_19 31_18 29_19 25_15 26_19 25_23 28_19 30_18
Being involved in public and community affairs 28_28 20_23 33_31 30_27 27_29 27_28 28_28 31_25
Capacity to engage with/respond to creative works and evaluate significance 30_35 22_35 34_35 18_33 20_35 24_35 33_35 24_35
Applying scientific methods of inquiry 30_32 33_33 27_27 28_30 34_34 31_30 27_31 29_33
Writing effectively 32_30 27_28 31_32 33_32 30_25 33_30 28_32 32_24
Ability to handle stress 33_ 4 35_ 3 22_ 6 32_ 7 32_ 6 32_ 6 32_ 4 33_ 4
Time management 34_ 1 32_ 1 35_ 2 35_ 1 35_ 2 35_ 3 34_ 2 35_ 1
Speaking effectively 34_19 34_16 32_23 34_15 33_18 34_20 35_20 34_13
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For more information on the 2012 Incoming Freshmen Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: October 2012

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