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North Carolina State University
2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey

This document lists survey questions and response options for the 2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey. To view results for an individual question, click on the question number.

Section A: Professional Preparation

This first section asks about a range of skills related to professional development. In the first column, please indicate how well you were prepared in each area through your program of study at NC State (Scale: Excellent, Good, Average, Fair, Poor). In the second column, indicate how important the area is to you in your current profession, including graduate/professional school (Scale: Very Important, Important, Moderately Important, Limited Importance, Not Important). If you are not currently employed or in school, simply indicate how important these skills are to you now in general.

1. Communication Skills
  a. Written communication skills
  b. Public speaking and presentation skills
  c. Comprehension skills (understanding written information)
  d. Listening skills
2. Technical skills/knowledge
3. Ability to adapt to changing technologies
4. Ability to apply scientific methods of inquiry
5. Ability to apply mathematics skills

6. Problem solving skills
  a. Finding relevant information and ideas from multiple sources
  b. Bringing information/ideas together from different areas
  c. Thinking creatively
  d. Planning projects
  e. Defining problems
  f. Solving problems
  g. Logical reasoning skills
  h. Examining problems from multiple perspectives

7. Work attitudes and skills
  a. Ability to adjust to new job demands
  b. Working under pressure
  c. Making decisions under pressure
  d. Ability to work independently
  e. Ability to work in teams
  f. Ability to work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds
  g. Being dependable and punctual

8. Professional skills
  a. Professionalism
  b. Conducting work activities in an ethical manner
  c. Resourcefulness
  d. Confidence in your ability to perform well
  e. Ability to learn independently
  f. Ability to grow on the job
  g. Willingness to accept new responsibilities
  h. Ability to adapt to changing circumstances
  i. Leadership and management skills

These next few questions ask you about skills you might have gained through various courses or experiences you had as an undergraduate. In the first column , indicate how important such skills are to you now in your job, in school, or simply in general (Scale: Very Important, Important, Moderately Important, Limited Importance, Not Important). In the second column, rate the skills you developed as a result of the experience (if you did not have a particular experience or develop the skill, select "Not Applicable") (Scale: Excellent, Good, Average, Fair, Poor, Not Applicable).

9. Foreign language skills
10. Skills/perspectives gained through research, internship, co-op, or student teaching experience
11. Skills/perspectives gained through a study abroad experience
12. Skills/perspectives gained through a community service or service-learning project

Section B: Goals of Undergraduate Education

The following are educational goals held by NC State. In the first column, please indicate how important you think these goals should be for an undergraduate education (Scale: Very Important, Important, Moderately Important, Limited Importance, Not Important). In the second column, please indicate how satisfied you are that your undergraduate education at NC State met each goal (Scale: Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied).

1. Understanding the basic concepts in a broad range of disciplines
2. Ability to use information technologies and search strategies to access information in my field of study
3. Ability to collect relevant data
4. Ability to formulate and test hypotheses
5. Ability to construct clear, precise, and accurate arguments
6. Ability to critically analyze and evaluate ideas and information
7. Ability to understand current literature in my field
8. Acquiring an awareness of new scientific knowledge and discoveries

9. Preparing for a career
10. Having tolerance for different points of view
11. Understanding diverse cultures and values
12. Understanding the commonality of human problems through a global perspective
13. Understanding how science and technology influence society and everyday life
14. Recognizing and acting upon ethical principles
15. Being involved in public and community affairs
16. Understanding issues and problems facing the world

17. Understanding the present as it relates to historical events/processes
18. Understanding issues associated with racial equity
19. Understanding issues associated with gender equity
20. Developing and sustaining an active and healthy lifestyle
21. Valuing learning as a lifelong process
22. Appreciating the arts (e.g., music, art, theater, etc.)
23. Appreciating the humanities (e.g., literature, philosophy, religion, history, etc.)
24. Applying social science methods to understand human behavior
25. Understanding my own abilities and interests

26. To what extent did the various teaching and learning technologies that you used at NC State help your ability to (Scale: A great deal, Some, A little, Not at all):
a. Answer questions in your field of study
b. Solve problems in your field of study
c. Use the methods of research in your field of study to gain new knowledge
d. Use information available from sources such as internet, books, journals, etc.
e. Use the skills and technologies of your field to complete a major project/assignment

27. How many NC State distance education or online courses did you take while you were an undergraduate at NC State?
None (mark your response and skip to question 29 )  
2 - 3  
4 - 6  
7 - 10  
more than 10  

28. How satisfied were you with the variety of distance education or online courses offered by NC State?
Very Satisfied  
Somewhat Satisfied  
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied  
Somewhat Dissatisfied  
Very Dissatisfied  
No Opinion  

29. While an undergraduate did you ever participate in a study abroad program, either through NC State or another institution?
No (mark your response and skip to question 32 )  

30. Was your study abroad program(s) for: (Mark all that apply)
Summer/short term
One semester
Two semesters or longer

31. To what extent did your study abroad experience (Scale: A great deal, Some, A little, Not at all):
a. Help improve your problem solving skills (e.g., thinking creatively, finding relevant information and ideas from multiple sources, etc.)
b. Have a positive impact on your work attitudes and skills (e.g., ability to adjust to new job demands, ability to work with people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, etc.)
c. Help you better understand problems and issues facing the world.

32. If you answered "No" to question 30: Please indicate which of the following are reasons why you never participated in a study abroad program as an undergraduate: (Mark all that apply)
Too expensive  
Not enough "free" time in curriculum  
Employment obligations
Personal/family obligations
Concerns about safety
Uncomfortable with the idea of living abroad
Not interested in available programs
Other (please specify)


Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements (Scale: Agree, Tend to Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Tend to Disagree, Disagree).
33. Through my experiences at NC State, I know how to access and use the information I need in my professional life.
34. My undergraduate experiences and courses at NC State encouraged me to think creatively and innovatively.
35. My education at NC State has prepared me to be competitive with graduates from other institutions.
36. My physical education activity course(s) at NC State had a positive influence on my current exercise/health habits.
If you had foreign language courses at NC State, please answer item 37. If not, skip to question 38.
37. Foreign language courses at NC State helped me gain an appreciation for other cultures.
38. I routinely keep up with current events in the news (e.g., through news programs, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, etc.).
39. I read for leisure on a regular basis (excluding reading to keep up with current events).

40. How often do you typically engage in physical exercise?
About once per month
Two or three times per month
About once per week
Two or three times per week
More than three times per week

41. How often in the past year have you volunteered your time to a non-profit group, charity, community group, or similar organization?
A few times
About once per month
Two or three times per month
At least once per week

Section C: Further Education

1. Are you currently enrolled in a degree-granting program in graduate/professional school? (please read all options before marking the most appropriate response)
Yes - am currently enrolled (mark your response and continue with item #2)
No - was enrolled and already completed a degree (mark your response then skip to item #3)
No - was enrolled at one time but withdrew before completing any degree (mark your response then skip to item #3)
No - have applied and been accepted but have not (yet) enrolled (mark your response then skip to item #3)
No - have applied but have not been accepted (mark your response then skip to item #6)
No - have never applied to graduate/professional schoool (mark your response then skip to item #6)

2. As defined by your institution, what is your current enrollment status?
Do not know

3. If you have ever been accepted, are currently enrolled, or have already completed a graduate/professional degree, please provide us with information about your program of study. If you've attended more than one school or been in more than one program, please use the most recent.


b. Institution location:


d. Degree(s) completed (Mark all that apply):
Master's (please specify degree, e.g., MBA, MSW, etc.)
Doctoral (please specify degree, e.g., PhD, EdD, etc.)
First-Professional (please specify degree, e.g., JD, MD, DVM, etc.)

e. Degree(s) sought/seeking (not completed) (Mark all that apply):
Master's (please specify degree, e.g., MBA, MSW, etc.)
Doctoral (please specify degree, e.g., PhD, EdD, etc.)
First-Professional (please specify degree, e.g., JD, MD, DVM, etc.)

4. How well prepared were you for graduate/professional school?
Excellent preparation
Good preparation
Average preparation
Fair preparation
Poor preparation

5. While in graduate/professional school did you receive any scholarships, honors, awards, or assistantships? (Mark all that apply, then skip to item 7)
Teaching Assistantship
Research Assistantship
Other Assistantship (not teaching or research)

6. If you are not currently enrolled or have not already completed a graduate/professional degree, what is your level of interest in continuing your education through graduate/professional school?
High interest
Moderate interest
Low interest
Not interested at all

7. Since receiving your undergraduate degree, have you taken any continuing education, professional development, or lifelong education classes/workshops/seminars, either on a campus or through distance education?
No (mark your response then skip to item #11)
Yes - noncredit enrollment only
Yes - credit-based enrollment only
Yes - both noncredit and credit-based enrollment

8. To what extent has this course(s) had an impact on your professional career?
Very significant impact
Somewhat significant impact
Limited impact
No impact at all

9. To what extent has this course(s) had an impact on your personal goals or life enrichment?
Very significant impact
Somewhat significant impact
Limited impact
No impact at all

10. Did you enroll in any of the credit or noncredit courses through NC State's McKimmon Center for Extension and Continuing Education (either on or off-campus)?
Don't know

11. How likely is it that you would consider enrolling in a continuing education, professional development, or lifelong education course (either through the McKimmon Center or elsewhere) within the next five years?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not very likely
Not at all likely

Section D: Employment

1. Which of the following best describes your primary activity during the year after completion of your undergraduate degree? (Mark all that apply)
Worked full-time
Worked part-time
Military Service
Attended graduate/professional school full-time
Attended graduate/professional school part-time
Other (please specify)

2. How long did it take you to get your first full-time permanent job after completing your undergraduate degree?
Continued in job had before completing degree
Accepted position prior to or upon graduation
1-6 months
7-12 months
Over 1 year
Have looked for but not yet obtained a full-time permanent job (mark your response then skip to item #7)
Have not looked for a full-time permanent job (mark your response then skip to item #7)

3. Was your first full-time permanent position related to your undergraduate academic major? If not, was this by choice?
Yes, directly related
Yes, somewhat related
No, not related (by choice)
No, not related (not by choice)

4. How well prepared were you by NC State for your first full-time permanent position?
Excellent preparation
Good preparation
Average preparation
Fair preparation
Poor preparation

5. Within what general range was your starting salary at your first full-time permanent job? (Remember, all information will remain confidential.)
Under $20,000 $50,000 - $54,999
$20,000 - $24,999 $55,000 - $59,999
$25,000 - $29,999 $60,000 - $64,999
$30,000 - $34,999 $65,000 - $69,999
$35,000 - $39,999 $70,000 - $74,999
$40,000 - $44,999 $75,000 or over
$45,000 - $49,999  

6. Which of the following were instrumental in helping you to locate and/or get your first full-time permanent job? (Mark all that apply)
NC State Career Center
NC State Alumni Association Career Services (e.g., online career center, directory)
Applied for job via an NC State University career services job listing (e.g., ePack)
Employer found your resume via an NC State University career services database (e.g., ePack)
On-campus interviewing or Career Fair (please specify which Career Fair)
Technician or other NC State publication
NC State co-op experience
Previous experience with company
Personal connection(s) within the company
Faculty member or job listing found in an NC State department
Professional society (members, newspaper, publication, etc.)
Third party recruiter or executive search firm
Employment agency
Internet (please specify site)
Local, city, or national newspaper
Other (please specify)

7. What is your current employment status?
Employed full-time (35+ hours per week)
Employed part-time (34 hours per week or less)
Not employed, but seeking employment (mark your response then skip to the end of this section )
Not employed, not seeking employment (mark your response then skip to the end of this section)

8. If you are currently employed, please provide us with information about your job. (Remember, your name will not be connected with your responses.)

b. Which of the following best describes the type of place you work? (select one)
Private, for profit business or organization
Private, not for profit business or organization
Federal, state, or local government



e. Within what general range is your current salary per year?
Under $20,000 $50,000 - $54,999
$20,000 - $24,999 $55,000 - $59,999
$25,000 - $29,999 $60,000 - $64,999
$30,000 - $34,999 $65,000 - $69,999
$35,000 - $39,999 $70,000 - $74,999
$40,000 - $44,999 $75,000 or over
$45,000 - $49,999  

9. Is your current position related to your undergraduate academic major? If not, was this by choice?
Yes, directly related
Yes, somewhat related
No, not related (by choice)
No, not related (not by choice)

10. How well prepared were you by NC State for your current position?
Excellent preparation
Good preparation
Average preparation
Fair preparation
Poor preparation

Section E: Involvement while at NC State

1. In which of the following work-related experiences did you participate while at NC State? (Mark all that apply)
Cooperative Education Program
Student teaching
Research with faculty
Residence advisor
Summer employment or part-time job in major

2. If you participated in any of the above work-related experiences, was that experience(s) helpful in securing your current position of employment?
Not applicable

3. In which of the following school-related groups (clubs, organizations, programs) were you involved in while at NC State as an undergraduate student? (Mark all that apply)
Academic scholarship program (Caldwell, Park, etc.)
GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) student group
Honor/Professional fraternity/sorority
Intramural/Recreational sports, club teams
Minority student groups
Organizations/Clubs related to your major
Political/Issue groups
Religious groups
Residence Hall Council, IRC
Service group/organization
Social fraternity/sorority
Student Government
Student Media/Publications
Union Activities Board groups
University Honors Program
University Scholars Program
Varsity athletic teams
Visual/Performing arts/music groups

Section F: Alumni Services

1. Are you a member of the NC State Alumni Association?

2. Regardless of whether or not you are a member, to what extent do you (or would you) value the following NC State Alumni Association services (Scale: A lot, Some, A little, Not at all)?
a. University or alumni speakers in your area
b. Career planning assistance and job postings
c. Subscription to NC State alumni magazine
d. Invitations to NC State alumni events in your area
e. NC State alumni reunions
f. Opportunities to connect with the NC State Alumni Network
g. Online directory of NC State alumni


Section G: Conclusions

1. All things considered, how would you evaluate the overall undergraduate education you received at NC State?
Very Strong
Very Weak  

2. Would you recommend NC State to a friend considering college?
Not sure

3. If you could start over again...
a. would you still choose to attend NC State? Yes No Not Sure
b. would you still choose the same major field of study? Yes No Not Sure

Finally, please tell us in your own words about your experiences at NC State, and what you think could be done to improve the University. After removing personally identifying information, your comments will be grouped with those expressing similar concerns and shared with the relevant units on campus so they can appreciate their successes and learn from their mistakes. However, in asking you to share your comments we must also inform you that our promise to maintain your confidentiality does not apply where the university has a legal duty to act on the information you provide, such as reports of criminal activity or unlawful harassment.

4. What two recommendations would you make to the Chancellor for ways to improve undergraduate experiences at NC State?

For more information on the 2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: May, 2009

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