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North Carolina State University
2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey

NC State conducted its triennial survey of alumni during the Spring of 2009. Alumni who received a bachelor's degree from NC State between Summer 2003 and Spring 2006 (N=12,276) were asked to participate in the online survey. The final sample excluded alumni whose mailing addresses are unknown or classified as undeliverable by the U.S. Postal Service (1,047 of the 12,276 baccalaureate alumni, or 8.5%). A total of 2,933 surveys were completed, resulting in a response rate of 26.1 percent (2,933 of 11,229) and a margin of sampling error of ±1.3 at a 95 percent confidence level.

Survey results indicate that alumni are very satisfied with the undergraduate education they received at NC State. More than 90 percent of respondents said the undergraduate education they received from NC State was either "very strong" or "strong" and that they would recommend NC State to a friend. Eighty-five percent said they would still choose NC State again if they were starting over.

NC State alumni feel well prepared for graduate or professional school. More than one-third of respondents are currently enrolled in, have already completed, or have been accepted into graduate or professional school. Honors and awards are not uncommon, with more than one-half of respondents who get accepted receiving some type of scholarship, honor, award, or assistantship while in graduate or professional school. More than 80 percent of those who are or were enrolled in graduate/professional school say they received "excellent" or "good" preparation though their program of study at NC State for their continued studies.

NC State alumni feel well prepared for employment after graduation. Three-fourths of NC State graduates said they had full-time permanent employment either before or immediately upon graduation (44%) or within six months after graduating (32%). Three-fourths of currently employed alumni are working in areas either "directly" or "somewhat related" to their major field of study while at NC State. More than three-fourths of respondents reported either "excellent" or "good" preparation by NC State for both their first job and their current position, and more than 80 percent agreed that their NC State education prepared them to be competitive with graduates from other institutions.

There is room for improvement in professional preparation... Large majorities of respondents are satisfied with the extent to which NC State helped them develop a wide range of professional skills. However, there are difference in the extent to which alumni feel they were prepared, and how important several particular skills are to them in their current profession. Specifically, leadership and management skills, ability to adjust to new job demands, ability to grow on the job, professionalism, and making decisions under pressure were all rated notably higher in "importance" than in "preparation."

Alumni reap benefits from extra-curricular programs available at NC State. Close to two-thirds of alumni received work-related experience at NC State, such as through a cooperative education program, internship, or research and about three-fourths of them said the experience helped them secure their current position. Three-fourths of respondents who participated in a study abroad program said the experience contributed "a great deal" to a better understanding of world problems and issues and to positive work attitudes and skills. And, students who participated in various clubs and organizations on campus are more likely to say they currently engage in volunteer activities in their communities.

NC State alumni value staying connected. About two-thirds or more of alumni say they find either "a lot" or "some" value in invitations to NC State alumni events in their area, the online directory of NC State alumni, and opportunities to connect with the NC State Alumni Network.

For more information on the 2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey contact:
Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research
Office of Institutional Planning and Research
Box 7002
Phone: (919) 515-4184

Posted: May, 2009

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