Please indicate how important each area is in your current professional position, including graduate studies. | Very important |
Important | Moderately important |
Of limited importance |
Not important |
Not applicable |
1. Knowledge of schools and their relationship to society | ||||||
2. Knowledge of the psychology of human learning | ||||||
3. Knowledge of the psychology of adolescent development | ||||||
4. Managing student behavior in the classroom | ||||||
5. Knowledge of classroom management and organization | ||||||
6. Knowledge of curricular goals in my content area or teaching field (N.C. Standard Course or Study) | ||||||
7. In-depth knowledge of my content area or teaching field | ||||||
8. Knowledge of a variety of instructional strategies for teaching content in my subject area |
Very important |
Important | Moderately important |
Of limited importance |
Not important |
Not applicable |
9. Knowledge of strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners | ||||||
10. Knowledge of computer software applications specific to my teaching field | ||||||
11. Knowledge of the use of technology as an instructional tool | ||||||
12. Ability to compose long range, unit and daily plans for instruction | ||||||
13. Ability to present a lesson with organization and clarity | ||||||
14. Ability to design assessment and evaluation instruments of student learning | ||||||
15. Ability to hold conferences with parents/guardians | ||||||
16. Ability to work with other education professionals in classroom and/or school settings |
Please indicate how well you think you / were prepared in each area through your program of study. | Excellent preparation |
Good preparation |
Average preparation |
Fair preparation |
Poor preparation |
Not applicable |
17. Knowledge of schools and their relationship to society | ||||||
18. Knowledge of the psychology of human learning | ||||||
19. Knowledge of the psychology of adolescent development | ||||||
20. Managing student behavior in the classroom | ||||||
21. Knowledge of classroom management and organization | ||||||
22. Knowledge of curricular goals in my content area or teaching field (N.C. Standard Course of Study) | ||||||
23. In depth knowledge of my content area or teaching field | ||||||
24. Knowledge of a variety of instructional strategies for teaching content in my subject area teaching field |
Excellent preparation |
Good preparation |
Average preparation |
Fair preparation |
Poor preparation |
Not applicable |
25. Knowledge of strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners | ||||||
26. Knowledge of computer software applications specific to my teaching field | ||||||
27. Knowledge of the use of technology as an instructional tool | ||||||
28. Ability to compose long range, unit and daily plans for instruction | ||||||
29. Ability to present a lesson with organization and clarity | ||||||
30. Ability to design assessment and evaluation instruments of student learning | ||||||
31. Ability to hold conferences with parents/guardians | ||||||
32. Ability to work with other education professionals in classroom and/or school settings |
How satisfied were you with each of the following? | Very Satisfied |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Very Dissatisfied |
Not Applicable |
33. Sophomore course: introduction to teaching (teacher aide experience) | ||||||
34. Junior year/field experience: tutoring adolescents or comparable course with practical experience | ||||||
35. Your experience as a student teacher | ||||||
36. Your teacher preparation program overall | ||||||
37. Academic advising in your department | ||||||
38. Academic information and services relating to admission to, progress in, and completion of the teacher education program (licensure requirements) |
39. If you were a Teaching Fellow, how satisfied were you with the enrichment activities that were part of your academic year? | |
40. If you were a Teaching Fellow, how satisfied were you with the summer experiences that were offered by the statewide program? | |
41. | |
42. | |
43. | |
44. | |
45. | |
46. How many years have you been employed as a teacher? (Choose the one most applicable) | ||
(mark your response then skip to question 57) |
47. During your first year of teaching, how many teaching preparations were you assigned? | |
48. During your first year of teaching, how many extracurricular assignments were you given? | |
49. In your first year, how many hours outside of the regular school day did you spend preparing your lessons during an average week? | |
50. How satisfied were you with the support you received from the administration in your school during your first year of teaching? | |
51. Were you assigned a mentor teacher in your first year of teaching? | |
Yes | |
No (mark your response then skip to question 54) |
52. If yes, was the mentor teacher in the same subject area in which you were teaching? | |
Yes | |
No |
53. How satisfied were you with the mentor teacher you were assigned in your school? | |
54. Are you presently employed as a teacher? | |
(mark your response then skip to question 57) |
55. | |
56. If teaching, do you plan to continue a career in teaching? | |
(mark your response then skip to question 59) | |
57. |
58. | |
59. | |
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