To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.
1. My education prepared me to critically analyze social issues. | |
2. If you are employed in a field related to your degree, was the content of your Sociology/Anthropology coursework useful for what you do? | |
3. | |
4a. In addition to your work, are you involved with any charitable, civic, recreational, or religious organizations in your community? | |
4b. If yes, was the content of your Sociology/Anthropology coursework useful for this participation? | |
5. | |
6. Are there any skills or knowledge that you wish you had spent more time on in your major? | |
7. Are there any skills or knowledge that you wish you had spent time on in other parts of your NC State curriculum? | |
If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank You" message after clicking on the submit button, please go back and click on "Submit" again. If the problem persists, please contact us at (919) 515-7520 or email |