To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.
1. As you think back on your overall educational experience in Philosophy, how satisfied were you with the education you gained in this program? | |
Please indicate how important each area is in your current professional position, including graduate studies. | Very important |
Important | Moderately important |
Of limited importance |
Not important |
Not applicable |
2. Presenting, explaining and evaluating arguments, suggesting ways to remedy any problems with arguments | ||||||
3. Constructing and presenting an argument in a way that allows the audience to analyze and critique the argument | ||||||
4. Understanding some central concepts from contemporary philosophical thought | ||||||
5. Understanding some central concepts from significant periods of the history of philosophy | ||||||
6. Using philosophy to address problems in situations where the premises are unclear or implicit | ||||||
7. Presenting arguments both in writing and in conversation | ||||||
8. Analyzing an issue, defining key terms, and drawing clear and reasonable conclusions | ||||||
9. Studying subject matter you found interesting |
Please determine how well you think you were prepared in each area through your program of study at NC State. | Excellent preparation |
Good preparation |
Average preparation |
Fair preparation |
Poor preparation |
Not applicable |
10. Presenting, explaining and evaluating arguments, suggesting ways to remedy any problems with arguments | ||||||
11. Constructing and presenting an argument in a way that allows the audience to analyze and critique the argument | ||||||
12. Understanding some central concepts from contemporary philosophical thought | ||||||
13. Understanding some central concepts from significant periods of the history of philosophy | ||||||
14. Using philosophy to address problems in situations where the premises are unclear or implicit | ||||||
15. Presenting arguments both in writing and in conversation | ||||||
16. Analyzing an issue, defining key terms, and drawing clear and reasonable conclusions | ||||||
17. Studying subject matter you found interesting |
If you received a BS, please continue with Questions 18 & 19; others skip to Question 20.
18. Was the Philosophy material helpful in the Science/Technology courses? | |
19. Was the Science/Technology material helpful in the Philosophy courses? | |
20. If you were beginning over, would you choose the same major again? | |
21. Why did you choose to major in Philosophy? | |
22. Of the courses that you took in Philosophy, which three were most influential or most important? Please explain. | |
23. What other classes at NC State did you find to be most valuable for your education? Why? | |
24. Which classes at NC State did you find to be least valuable? Why? | |
25. What do you think are the greatest strengths of the major? | |
26. Please suggest one or two things about the Philosophy program that you would want to see changed. | |
If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank You" message after clicking on the submit button, please go back and click on "Submit" again. If the problem persists, please contact us at (919) 515-7520 or email |