1. At what level did you start at NCSU? | |
Freshman | |
Sophomore | |
Junior | |
Senior | |
Special |
2. If you were a transfer student, from what school did you transfer? | |
3. Is your current position related to any of the following? (Check all that apply) | |
4. If your position is in your field of study, how well prepared were you for your position? | |
Looking back on your total educational experience in Forestry, how satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of your education? | Very satisfied |
Moderately satisfied |
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied |
Moderately dissatisfied |
Very dissatisfied |
No opinion |
5. Ability to utilize modern technologies, skills, and tools useful in forestry and environmental resources. | ||||||
6. Ability to work safely and capably under rigorous conditions in the field. |
7. The NC State Forestry Management and Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences curricula require a Summer Camp program between the sophomore and junior year. How would you rate your Summer Camp experience? | |
8. | |
9. | |
10. | |
11. | |
12. | |
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