To answer a question, click on the bubble for the answer you are choosing. Once you have answered all the questions, you must click on the SUBMIT button at the end of the form to submit your answers.
Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. | Strongly agree |
Agree | Neither agree nor disagree |
Disagree | Strongly disagree |
No opinion |
1. I recognize the influence of market forces on resource allocation, income distribution and economic welfare. | ||||||
2. I understand the issues related to government intervention in the economy. | ||||||
3. I understand the determinants of general economic conditions, including inflation, interest rates and unemployment. | ||||||
4. I am confident in my analysis of the economic conditions I encounter in my professional life. | ||||||
5. I am confident in my analysis of the economic conditions I encounter in my personal life. | ||||||
6. I understand and can critically evaluate discussions of economic and business issues I encounter in the media. | ||||||
7. I believe that being an economics major has turned out to be a good choice. |
8. How important is each area in your current professional position, including graduate studies? | Very important |
Important | Moderately important |
Of limited importance |
Not important |
Not applicable |
a. Ability to do statistical analysis | ||||||
b. Ability to apply marginal analysis | ||||||
c. Ability to apply supply and demand analysis to understand market conditions | ||||||
d. Ability to communicate effectively |
9. Now please indicate how well you think you were prepared in each area through your program of study at NC State. | Excellent preparation |
Good preparation |
Average preparation |
Fair preparation |
Poor preparation |
Not applicable |
a. Ability to do statistical analysis | ||||||
b. Ability to apply marginal analysis | ||||||
c. Ability to apply supply and demand analysis to understand market conditions | ||||||
d. Ability to communicate effectively |
If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank You" message after clicking on the submit button, please go back and click on "Submit" again. If the problem persists, please contact us at (919) 515-7520 or email |