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North Carolina State University
2009 Baccalaureate Alumni Survey:
College of Engineering


All Alumni from the College of Engineering are being asked to take a few minutes to complete this brief survey. Your answers to the following questions are important and would be appreciated. If you had more than one major in COE, answer this survey based on your experiences in the department you selected from the drop-down list of departments on the previous survey.

Section A

This first section asks about a range of skills related to professional preparation.

First, please select the appropriate option from the first drop-down list to indicate how well you were prepared in each area through your program of study at NC State: Excellent, Good, Average, Fair, or Poor.

Next, please indicate how important the area is to you in your current profession, incluyding graduate/professional school. If you are not currently employed or in school, simply indicate how important these skills are to you now in general: Very Important, Important, Moderately Important, Of Limited Importance, Not Important

Preparation Importance
1. Applying knowledge from your major in Engineering or Computer Science
2. Applying knowledge of mathematics and science
3. Designing and conducting experiments
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
5. Using statistical procedures
6. Designing a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
7. Testing a system and making improvements
8. Identifying, formulating, and solving engineering or computer science problems

Preparation Importance
9. Using creativity in undertaking engineering projects
10. Considering client and customer needs in developing systems and products
11. Considering quality, durability, safety, and/or sustainability issues
12. Functioning as a member of a team
13. Working on multidisciplinary teams
14. Assuming leadership roles
15. Writing reports and other documents
16. Making oral presentations

Preparation Importance
17. Listening to and incorporating different perspectives and points of view
18. Engaging in productive engineering and computer science practice
19. Using tools and equipment necessary for engineering or computer science practice
20. Engaging in professional and ethical engineering practice
21. Considering the societal impact of engineering solutions
22. Considering the global impact of engineering solutions
23. Considering the environmental impact of engineering
24. Undertaking project research and/or project management

Preparation Importance
25. Engaging in entrepreneurial activities
26. Undertaking economic analyses of capital projects
27. Managing cost and time considerations
28. Adapting to changing project parameters and circumstances
29. Working within constraints presented
30. Understanding and adapting to organizational culture(s)
31. Developing a consistent work ethic
32. Considering various career options within the discipline

Preparation Importance
33. Considering various career options outside of the discipline
34. Keeping abreast of developments and advances in the field
35. Engaging in lifelong learning, whether formally or informally
36. Applying lessons learned to new situations
37. Mentoring and teaching others
38. Pursuing graduate education or a professional degree
39. Taking professional licensure exam(s)
40. Appreciating the arts, humanities, and social sciences

Section B

Thinking about your experience in your profession, how important were the following undergraduate learning experiences? Very
Important Moderately
Of limited
41. Engineering assignments that required classroom presentations to gain good oral presentation skills
42. Engineering assignments that required written reports to gain good report-writing skills
43. Engineering assignments related to the knowledge of contemporary issues
44. The senior design project(s) that provided an opportunity to integrate learning in major and non-major courses
45. Design activities throughout the engineering program
46. Coursework activities in the program as a whole that required synthesis, creativity, and open-ended thinking
47. Computing exercises in engineering courses
48. Hands-on experiences in engineering lab courses
49. Technical mastery of computational tools and software in engineering courses
50. Using computational tools to solve complex engineering problems

Do you agree or disagree that you were given enough experiences in the College of Engineering in the following areas? Agree Tend to
Neither agree
nor disagree
Tend to
Disagree Not
51. Engineering assignments that required classroom presentations to gain good oral presentation skills
52. Engineering assignments that required written reports to gain good report-writing skills
53. Engineering assignments related to the knowledge of contemporary issues
54. The senior design project(s) that provided an opportunity to integrate learning in major and non-major courses
55. Design activities throughout the program
56. Coursework activities in the program as a whole that required synthesis, creativity, and open-ended thinking
57. Computing exercises in engineering courses
58. Hands-on experiences in engineering lab courses
59. Technical mastery of computational tools and software in engineering courses
60. Using computational tools to solve complex engineering problems

Section C

Frequently Sometimes Seldom Very seldom,
if ever
61. How frequently do you attend meetings or conferences of professional societies?
62. How frequently do you publish articles, papers, etc for the general benefit of the field?
63. How frequently do you upgrade your technical skills through formal courses, short courses, seminars or self-paced instruction?
64. How frequently do you upgrade your technical skills by reading journals/periodicals in your field or use electronic media such as the Internet for research, reference or problem solving?

Section D

65. Please use this space to share any general comments you have about your experience in the College of Engineering or your department, and/or tell us why you were particularly satisfied or dissatisfied with any aspect of your education in the college.

When you are satisfied with all your answers on this page, click on the Submit button.

If you do not see a college/department survey or a "Thank You" message after clicking on the submit button, please go back and click on "Submit" again. If the problem persists, please contact us at (919) 515-7520 or email

We appreciate your time and assistance!