January 12, 2007
We are pleased to share with you the initial results from the NC State University Faculty Well-Being Survey, now available online on the Table of Contents page. Seventy percent of the 1,625 faculty in the survey population took time out of their busy schedules early in the fall 2006 semester to participate in the survey and share their opinions. We, along with Chancellor Oblinger, would like to offer our sincere thanks to this group of faculty. The feedback you have provided will better enable the University to address our Strategic Plan's Investment Priority "to help attract, develop, and retain a faculty of the highest quality." Campus leaders will be able to use the initial and subsequent reports from the survey to help identify what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements to make NC State an even better place for you and your colleagues.
The survey was developed by an advisory committee made up of representatives from Office of Institutional Planning and Research (UPA), the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Equity, and the Office of Diversity and African American Affairs. UPA administered the survey, and has analyzed the data and prepared the initial reports on the overall results. In the coming months UPA and the survey advisory committee, in consultation with the university community, will identify specific topics of interest and prepare detailed reports addressing those areas of concern (e.g., the RPT process, diversity concerns, campus leadership). Those reports will be posted to the web and/or presented at various forums on campus as they become available.
We welcome and encourage you to familiarize yourself with the survey methodology, to look through the initial results, and to continue to check online for new reports. We especially invite the campus community to help identify on what topics or areas of concern you would like to see additional reporting. Please talk about these results among yourselves, with your colleagues, and with campus administrators. We look forward to talking with you about them, and to using what we have learned to help bring about improvements.
For more information about the survey and to see the results, go to the Table of Contents page. If you have questions about the results or suggestions for additional reports, please contact Dr. Nancy Whelchel, Associate Director for Survey Research, Office of Institutional Planning and Research, at ncsu_surveys@ncsu.edu.Sincerely,
Larry A. Nielsen, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Nina Strömgren Allen, Chair of the Faculty and Professor of Plant Biology
Posted: January, 2007
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