NC State - Fall 2019 - College of Textiles
REPORT B1_DM: College totals including second majors from other colleges
by Degree Level, Residence, and Status

Degree Level / Residency Total New Transfer Continue Reenter
Undergraduate In-State 713 101 19 593 0
Out-of-State 67 16 5 46 0
International 20 2 1 17 0
Total 800 119 25 656 0
Graduate In-State 74 20 0 54 0
Out-of-State 45 10 0 35 0
International 108 23 0 84 1
Total 227 53 0 173 1
Lifelong UG International 1 1 0 0 0
Total 1 1 0 0 0
Total 1,028 173 25 829 1

Unduplicated headcount within college; includes on-campus and distance education

NC State - Fall 2019 - College of Textiles
REPORT B2_DM: College totals including second majors from other colleges
by Degree Level, Class, and Time

Degree Level / Classification Total Full-Time Part-Time
Undergraduate Freshman 130 129 1
Sophomore 182 178 4
Junior 221 214 7
Senior 267 234 33
Total 800 755 45
Graduate Grad Unclassified 1 0 1
Master 100 72 28
Doctorate 126 89 37
Total 227 161 66
Lifelong UG Special 1 1 0
Total 1 1 0
Total 1,028 917 111

Unduplicated headcount within college; includes on-campus and distance education

NC State - Fall 2019 - College of Textiles
REPORT B3_DM: College Totals including second majors from other colleges
by Degree Level, Class, and Status

Level / Classification Total New Transfer Continue Reenter
Undergraduate Freshman 130 106 1 23 0
Sophomore 182 11 12 159 0
Junior 221 2 10 209 0
Senior 267 0 2 265 0
Total 800 119 25 656 0
Graduate Grad Unclassified 1 1 0 0 0
Master 100 35 0 65 0
Doctorate 126 17 0 108 1
Total 227 53 0 173 1
Lifelong UG Special 1 1 0 0 0
Total 1 1 0 0 0
Total 1,028 173 25 829 1

Unduplicated headcount within college; includes on-campus and distance education

NC State - Fall 2019 - College of Textiles
REPORT B4_DM: College Totals including second majors from other colleges
by Degree Level,and Race

Degree Level Total Nonresident
Race and Ethnicity
Hispanics of
any race
American Indian,
Alaska Native

Black or African
Native Hawaiian,
Pacific Islander

Two or more
Undergraduate 800 28 30 41 3 57 48 3 565 25
Graduate 227 110 6 9 0 23 12 0 64 3
Lifelong UG 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 1,028 139 36 50 3 80 60 3 629 28

Unduplicated headcount within college; includes on-campus and distance education

NC State - Fall 2019 - College of Textiles
REPORT B_DM5: College Totals including second majors from other colleges
by Degree Level, Time, and Gender

Degree Level Total Full-Time Part-Time
Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male
Undergraduate 800 636 164 755 601 154 45 35 10
Graduate 227 137 90 161 99 62 66 38 28
Lifelong UG 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Total 1,028 774 254 917 701 216 111 73 38

Unduplicated headcount within college; includes on-campus and distance education