On-Campus Regular Term FTE Budget Enrollment Report - Spring 2013

Category Total Headcount FTE Generating
FTE Full-time Equivalent
Primary Undergraduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Agricultural Institute 328 327 312.00
Regular Undergraduate 18,735 18,720 18,101.00
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 556 525 142.25
Subtotal 19,619 19,572 18,555.25
Non-Resident Agricultural Institute 14 14 13.25
Regular Undergraduate 2,352 2,352 2,312.75
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 160 158 38.75
Subtotal 2,526 2,524 2,364.75
Total Degree Type 22,145 22,096 20,920.00
Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Regular Graduate 3,753 3,613 2,848.00
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 147 106 58.75
CVM 47 46 37.25
Subtotal 3,947 3,765 2,944.00
Non-Resident Regular Graduate 2,641 2,640 2,331.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 38 34 20.00
CVM 18 18 15.50
Subtotal 2,697 2,692 2,367.00
Total Degree Type 6,644 6,457 5,311.00
Total Budget Type 28,789 28,553 26,231.00
Vet Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident DVM 303 303 302.25
Subtotal 303 303 302.25
Non-Resident DVM 28 28 28.00
Subtotal 28 28 28.00
Total Degree Type 331 331 330.25
Total Budget Type 331 331 330.25
Grand Total 29,120 28,884 26,561.25

**Excludes: Co-op only, faculty with all tuition waived, inter-institutional or exchange students.
No extension hours or extension only students are included.
Lifelong and specials include unclassified, special and inter-institutional students.
Both headcounts exclude audit only.
GS116 - number of students in special budget category included in NC regular undergraduate category.

FTE On-Campus GS116 Budget Enrollment - Spring 2013

Category North Carolina Resident Non-Resident
Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE
Primary Regular Undergraduate . . . 95 95 93.25
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG . . . 2 2 1.00
Regular Graduate 3 3 2.50 3 3 3.00
Vet DVM . . . 1 1 1.00


FTE On-Campus Faculty_staff Waiver Budget Enrollment - Spring 2013

Category North Carolina
Headcount Headcount N
Primary Agricultural Institute 1 . 1
Regular Undergraduate 15 . 15
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 31 2 33
Regular Graduate 139 1 140
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 41 4 45
CVM 1 . 1
Subtotal 228 7 235
Total 228 7 235


On-Campus and Distance Education FTE Budget Report - Spring 2013

Enrollment Category Total Headcount FTE Generating
FTE Full-time
Primary Undergraduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Agricultural Institute 328 327 312.00
Regular Undergraduate 19,125 19,108 18,179.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 1,136 1,070 343.25
Subtotal 20,589 20,505 18,834.75
Non-Resident Agricultural Institute 14 14 13.25
Regular Undergraduate 2,409 2,409 2,320.75
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 300 296 82.00
Subtotal 2,723 2,719 2,416.00
Total Degree Type 23,312 23,224 21,250.75
Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident Regular Graduate 4,814 4,631 3,510.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 464 385 213.50
CVM 47 46 37.25
Subtotal 5,325 5,062 3,761.25
Non-Resident Regular Graduate 3,121 3,118 2,584.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 176 172 96.75
CVM 18 18 15.50
Subtotal 3,315 3,308 2,696.75
Total Degree Type 8,640 8,370 6,458.00
Total Budget Type 31,952 31,594 27,708.75
Vet Graduate Enrollment North Carolina Resident DVM 303 303 302.25
Subtotal 303 303 302.25
Non-Resident DVM 28 28 28.00
Subtotal 28 28 28.00
Total Degree Type 331 331 330.25
Total Budget Type 331 331 330.25
Grand Total 32,283 31,925 28,039.00

**Excludes: Co-op only, faculty with all tuition waived, inter-institutional or exchange students.
Lifelong and specials include unclassified, special and inter-institutional students.
Both headcounts exclude audit only.

FTE On-Campus and Distance Education GS116 Budget Enrollment - Spring 2013

Category North Carolina Resident Non-Resident
Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE
Primary Regular Undergraduate . . . 98 98 93.25
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG . . . 2 2 1.25
Regular Graduate 3 3 2.50 4 4 3.50
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR . . . 1 1 0.75
Vet DVM . . . 1 1 1.00


FTE On-Campus and Distance Ed Faculty_staff Waiver Budget Enrollment - Spring 2013



FTE On-Campus and Distance Ed Faculty_staff Waiver Budget Enrollment - Spring 2013

Category North Carolina
Headcount Headcount N
Primary Agricultural Institute 1 . 1
Regular Undergraduate 17 . 17
Lifelong Education & Specials-UG 66 4 70
Regular Graduate 183 3 186
Lifelong Education & Specials-GR 79 4 83
CVM 1 . 1
Subtotal 347 11 358
Total 347 11 358