TABLE 3 -- BY DEPARTMENT AND CURRICULUM -- College of Physical and Math Sciences

Bachelor Master Doctorate
DEPARTMENT   18 6 4 28
Mathematics AMA Applied Mathematics
CMA Applied Math - Computational Math Concen 0 3 2 5
MA Mathematics 18 8 4 30
ORM Operations Research - Mathematics 0 3 2 5
TOTAL 36 20 12 68
Physics PY Physics 12 11 7 30
PYA B A - Physics 9 0 0 9
TOTAL 21 11 7 39
Chemistry CH Chemistry 31 9 7 47
CHA B A - Chemistry 63 0 0 63
CHM B S - Chemistry, Marine Sciences Concent 1 0 0 1
GBC Bioinformatics - Chemistry 0 1 0 1
TOTAL 95 10 7 112
Statistics BMA Biomathematics 0 5 5 10
ORS Operations Research - Statistics 0 1 0 1
ST Statistics 19 31 13 63
TOTAL 19 37 18 74
Marine Earth & Atmos Sci ESA Environmental Sciences - Air Quality Con 1 0 0 1
ESG Environmental Sciences - Geology Conc 4 0 0 4
GHS B S - Geology, Earth Syst History Concen 1 0 0 1
GYA B A - Geology 3 0 0 3
GYS B S - Geology 6 0 0 6
MEA Marine Earth & Atmospher Sciences 0 18 11 29
MMY B S - Meteorology, Marine Sciences Conc 4 0 0 4
MRM B S - Marine Sciences, Meteorology Conc 1 0 0 1
MY Meteorology 18 0 0 18
NRC Natural Resources - Marine & Coastal Res 6 0 0 6
TOTAL 44 18 11 73
TOTAL 215 96 55 366