Credit Hours by Department of Instructor -- Fall 2004 -- Humanities and Social Sciences

OUC Name Number of
Ag Inst Lower Upper Masters Doctoral VetMed Undergrad
Ughrs/FTE Grhrs/FTE
160101 Dean's Office-Humanities and Soc Sci 4.00 0 170.0 0 0 45.0 0 170.0 45.0 215.0 0 0.83 0.83 204.00 54.00
160201 English 320.00 0 17152.0 5376.0 1295.0 0 0 22528.0 1295.0 23823.0 96.03 10.17 106.20 212.13 12.19
160301 History 164.00 0 6165.0 3386.0 517.0 0 0 9551.0 517.0 10068.0 37.17 4.00 41.17 231.99 12.56
160401 Foreign Languages and Literature 234.33 0 10044.0 3250.0 149.0 0 0 13294.0 149.0 13443.0 59.75 3.75 63.50 209.35 2.35
160501 Philosophy and Religion 61.00 0 2361.0 3577.0 6.0 10.0 0 5938.0 16.0 5954.0 21.50 0.54 22.04 269.40 0.73
160601 Political Science and Public Administration 104.50 0 3410.0 3207.0 981.5 148.0 0 6617.0 1129.5 7746.5 29.67 3.23 32.90 201.13 34.33
160701 Communication 130.00 0 8782.0 2874.0 414.0 0 0 11656.0 414.0 12070.0 35.30 8.25 43.55 267.65 9.51
161001 Multi-Disciplinary Studies 67.00 0 1419.0 1420.7 57.0 1.0 0 2839.7 58.0 2897.7 10.50 2.58 13.08 217.04 4.43
162701 Social Work Program 18.00 0 305.0 735.0 0 0 0 1040.0 0 1040.0 5.50 0.42 5.92 175.77 0
163801 NC Center for Asia Studies 5.00 0 102.0 0 0 0 0 102.0 0 102.0 0.25 0 0.25 408.00 0
164501 Psychology 123.50 0 6149.0 2706.0 499.0 599.0 0 8855.0 1098.0 9953.0 27.11 7.08 34.19 258.97 32.11
168301 Sociology and Anthropology 110.00 0 7638.0 4278.0 119.0 366.0 0 11916.0 485.0 12401.0 27.63 6.50 34.13 349.14 14.21
169999 HSS - Total 1341.33 0 63697.0 30809.7 4037.5 1169.0 0 94506.7 5206.5 99713.2 350.41 47.35 397.76 237.59 13.09
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